Ruta dels Tres Monestirs
Sunday 24/03 Participació en la Ruta dels Tres Monestirs (S. Cugat – S. Lawrence – Montserrat). Caminada de resistència . Dificultat molt alta.
Two members made up the full (52 Km.), and a member and a partner were much (43 Km), supported a vehicle of our organization.
Riera de Talamanca (Sant Llorenç del Munt)
Saturday 6 d’abril: Riera de Talamanca (Sant Llorenç del Munt). Morning departure maternal. Per a famílies amb infants des dels 6 months. Difficulty low.
I was planning Montcau, but was covered and was windy and cold. A Riera de Talamanca, despite the unfavorable weather forecasts, we fell one drop, we did not bother the wind, at times was sunny, and 1 and girls 3 they managed to spend years of fun.
First we go to the source and the Talamanca negundo.
We then turning towards fornot, by finding numerous corriolet “tions”.
A dog that we found led us to cross the stream, jumping on the stones,
and visit the waterwheel.
The dog went, and we go to the dry stone hut,
Went up there watching Castle and the town Talamanca.
A good time playing on the edge of ponds,
and the second step of the stream.
The Little Mill,
and a good climb up to the castle.I determined to keep revelry!!!
The Castle of Popa (Moianés)
Sunday 07/04 The Castle of Popa (Moianés). Matinal de muntanya. Low difficulty.
To start, in uuu.
Climb a nice path to the castle Stern, and an hour there with blue sky and sun sprawled,
visit the cistern, approach Casanova Castle, Clouds and remove the nose,
Senderos Sauva by the Black Forest and its source, Achieving the ridge and down to the oak in good progress,
investigation of skeletal remains not out on the road plans.
And near the end, already threatening sky, Silver Trees.
Itinerary nature (Castellar del Vallès)
Sunday 05/05 Itinerary nature (Castellar del Vallès). Matinal de muntanya. Low difficulty.
Pleasant walk around Castellar. We saw an old bakery building, a dry stone hut, Church of Old Castle, Castle Clasquerí, the old bridge over the creek pools, crossing wooded areas with huge trees, deep streams flanked by high clay walls, and roads and fields full color May.
Collserola morning walk and barbecue
Saturday 11/05 Collserola morning walk and barbecue. Matinal de muntanya. Difficulty low / medium according to option.
We left Montflorit to Riera de Sant Cugat. We took the GR 172 and then we turn to climb the Puig Guard. Down the other side we went to the Sierra in Masrieras.
There were two groups: some went to Can Catà, despre's back to Cerdanyola, and the others go up in the Sierras of Masriera and coot in to Portell de Valldaura from where they see all Barcelona feet.
The return is made by Torrent in Coot, through the fountain in Nightingale, Can Catà and to Cerdanyola.
Then we celebrate the traditional barbecue.
Caminada solidària “walks 75 Caritas years” the Sierra de Marina
Saturday 18/05: Participation and support the charity walk “walks 75 Caritas years” the Sierra de Marina.
Participation and support to the 4th charity walk “We walked together against cancer” in Vilanova
Sunday 19/05: Participation and support to the 4th charity walk “We walked together against cancer” in Vilanova. Organized by the Foundation with the Mountain Center Vallformosa del Penedès.
From the air the Monastery of Montserrat
Sunday 02/06: From the air the Monastery of Montserrat. Matinal de muntanya. Medium difficulty.
Itineraries: Lower station of the cable car. Water Way. Monastery of Montserrat. Way of the Apostles. Montserrat monistrol. Track that runs along the river Llobregat. Lower station of the cable car.
demanding climb. Views up and down. Interesting route to the river.