De la Plana Novella until Olivella
Sunday, 30 marc
Stream Jafra depression is important – and most impressive – found between the departure and arrival. Will travel in much, to rediscover silence and nature untouched. The first section is called stream of alcoholic and alcoholic The final stretch, in recorrerem, Ribes and called stream flows into the sea, a Sitges This depression, because, with different names, runs diagonally all the Garraf. Leave it to rise for the cherry on top of where we find the GR5, path viewpoints, Can you continue to Degree, farmhouse converted into a nature school and meteorological observatory. Shortly above, leave the GR delve into Olivella. Before you get there, climb the old castle Olivella, where we expect few surprises where you can enjoy a good view of the town and the sea. We end our tour in Olivella, beautiful old town where you will see the well-cultivated vineyards that surround. Recover the vehicle and as always, whoever goes home for lunch, the lower the dinar to Vilanova, tocant al mar.
La pluja caiguda el dia 30 de març ens ha impedit realitzar una part d’aquest itinerari.
Es va fer una excursió circular al voltant d’Olivella.
Distance: 6Km. Desnivell accumulated 300m. Duration 2h 30m (amb parades)
Es troben, al llarg del recorregut, totes les característiques que fan singular el parc del Garraf.
Itineraries: Olivella – Coll del Triador – Fondo de la Cervera – Els Safareigs i font del Rector – Sant Pere – Castell d’olivella – Sant Pere – Barret del Rector – Balma de Can Mercader – Bosc dels Piveus – Can mercader – Olivella.