Day: 8 December 2013.
Meeting Time: 9 Can Quitèria am with own vehicles.
Difficulty: low, excepte of ressalts of grimpada.
Ascent: 200 m.
Duration: 3 hores reals.
Few are fairly presented finally registered, en la col·locació del pessebre d’enguany. Sol i no gaire fred. Morning departure with easy circular route along the ridge level, two steps climbed one bunker beneath the Azaña and the other for access to the same point of Caus Burns (812m)
Col·locació de les figures del pessebre ja muntat i nadala coral (Smoke, smoke, smoke). Views of the Munt, Puigmal, Tossa d'Alp and Cadi.
Beer at the bar end of the recreation area, where we met and wish happy holidays to Eduardo, charismatic vigilante Park, Barbara's friend and founding member of the St. Lawrence Centre Mountaineer (Terrassa)
Itineraries: Start walking in the area of recreation PK Torrent of Plaster, Terrace Road in Talamanca (Km 7,600 approx.). We continue north and terrain embrossat reach the ridge where there is a curious construction called the “the bunker Azaña”, apparently, sevir was hiding in the Republican president flight to North. Ridge and after overcoming a rocky step, arrive at the Raven Rock, excel·lent mirador de la vall de les Arenes i Sant Llorenç del Munt. Whoever can extend out reach to the Hill of Carlina (933 m.). Turning down pass by Puig Codina, and later to the End of Caus Burns (812 m), where will the crib after an easy climb. Evident trodden paths and arrive at the parking area of recreation where drinks.
Check social mountain, all day. Sant Vicenç de Torello – Ermita de Sant Roc
Description: We will leave St. Vincent de Torello with a view towards Castle Torello (the castle of S VII is only a cylindrical tower S XII ) from which we view the first page of Vic. Continue along a ridge road, passing by the Hill of Three Battles, down to the valleys.
Quiet exit
Wednesday, 18 December 2013
Time and place of meeting: In 9:30 Can Quitèria at the Plaza, own cars.
Duration: Matinal curta
Ascent: 130m
Difficulty: Very low
Material: Roba comfortable, soled shoes adherent snugly on the foot, water and some snack foods.
Description: We started visiting the monumental church of Santa Cruz Olorda. The Puig Olorda (434m) is one of the highest peaks of the Serra de Collserola. There we go from Santa Cruz along a path through the forest, shade. After enjoying the view, retreated a bit and, with a short threaded, we reach the crest of the hill Can Ribes (406m). From there we follow, gentle slope, the tracks of the old quarry, assoleiades, rich in vegetation and views. In a sharp curve turn right for a short path that leads to the main trail that connects Santa Cruz with Molins de Rei, so back to square one.
After the tour we have lunch at Restaurante Rancho El Paso.
Photographs by Rafael Martin Janer