Primavera 2013

Sortida maternoinfantil i climbed to adults
Sunday 27 April 2014
Aquesta activitat s’havia realitzat també el 15 September 2013
Time and place of meeting: 9 am, Can the square Quitèria, with own car.
Duration: Aproximadament for the 15:00 hours.
Distance: Can the Maçana purposes has climbed to the zona 1 hora Passeig.
Ascent: Poc desnivell
Difficulty: Assequible.
Material: Calçat i roba comoda per escalar.

Description: Deixem el cotxe a Can Maçana i per un camí ben senyalitzat arribarem a les agulles que farem servir per pujar-hi. Primer els més menuts i després els adults.

Els pares the Hauran of observar propia VIGILANCIA dels seus fills, that donat ed una zona climbed to.
Van escalar 6 infants entre els 4 i els 11 anys, i diversos adults.


DB horizontal color People 201


Sunday 2 June 2013.
Wonderful trip, day assoleiat, good visibility has allowed fully enjoy the aerial views along the way.
Time and place of meeting: In 8 am, Can the square Quitèria, with own car.
Duration: Each 4 hours.
Difficulty: Average.
Material: Bring appropriate equipment paths Montserrat, water and breakfast.
Description: We started walking in the parking lot of the Monastery (Payment is). Smooth ride on the road Degotalls, reach the bottom of the channel Well Cat, to go back to the root path (200 m pujada). Following this path ( GR-172) enter the Plan of trinities, veim on diferents hermits: St. Dismas and the Holy Cross (no accessibles), the Trinitat (ruins), Sant Onofre, Sant Benet (refuge for climbers) and Sta. Magdalena (ruins). Back up the stairs to the monastery and the French Pas.

Stream Colobrers (Sabadell)
Quiet exit
Wednesday, 12 June 2013
Time and place of meeting: In 8:30, Can the square Quitèria, with own car.
Duration: Output short morning.
Distance: 4 km
Ascent: 75 m
Difficulty: Very easy
Material: Comfortable shoes, gorra the solar cream, lunch and water.
Description: The stretch of stream Colobrers, to know is that we will, for its greenery and biodiversity, una petita joia a word. At this time of year the vegetation looks like never. Halfway find the source of Tosca, under the shade of trees, enjoy a nice cool temperature. The route follows a flat path, equipat amb passarel·les per anar creuant el torrent. Can rest and cool off in the fountain Can Moragues, Sabadell where many a god will provide water to. Arrodonirem la passejada circumval·lant l’aeròdrom de Can Moragues.
We also get us to the chapel Togores, we did the unpublished photos.