The Passat day 2 March 2015, was presented at the headquarters of the General Archive of the Crown of Aragon, the palace of the Viceroy, Project “Crown of Aragon: Art and culture” Attended by a large representation of various institutions and organizations. Chaired the event the Minister of Education, Culture and Sport of the Government of Aragon, Dolores Serrat. There were notable speeches. Noted for its historical and cultural content of the Javier Callizo, Director General of Cultural Heritage of Aragon.

The Minister focused his intervention 9 backbones

A community or historical
o A Corona in Europe
or Art and flowering of Crown’ Aragon
or the Crown of Aragon. Cornerstone of Spain
Fe Land
Terra Pact
or Earth Science
Terra Dialogue
or Universal Aragonese

'Crown of Aragon. History and Art 'will run until 2019. Every year there will be a thread. In 2015 will be the protagonist Ferdinand II, ” King imagined that opened in Spain and Europe”.

The project, he said the Minister Serrat, neccesària is an initiative to promote the encounter and dialogue between territories brothers, making the historical truth and a bonding boundary separating ". "The Aragonese not want to be anyone , but not less than others or that we become our secondary players yesterday, our today and our tomorrow ".

The project will involve and are involved in different territories that integrate the Crown of Aragon. 11021056_10202408732059605_4575604275889578285_n 11043027_10202408729499541_8801761274959329501_nimagenes_foto2_896a12a7 imagenes_patriciagascon_4_038637ab