Category Archives: General

Not all children were able to start their school!!!

Monday 12 of setembre, to them 9 the matí, have to go to school, to our barri, with such famous friends, amb l'smell of paper nou, i the semper Sorral. But this year some children could not join … Continue reading

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Els home, holiday!!!

Aquest estiu, each with any, boys and girls from nursery ASPASIM have gone on holiday, than ever tocava!!! Once the volunteers at the labor camp, the great moments we shared, We have gone … Continue reading

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Ja tenim twitter!!!!

Now more than ever, social networks so we can help spread the word as we fight for the rights of people with special needs so, you can also follow us on twitter!!!! Esperem Us!!!

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The Government does not accept payment in July!!!

For the first time the Government has not paid a penny than ten so you can meet girls and boys homes, arguing the state's deficit problem and everything. This has meant … Continue reading

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Obertes the inscripcions per l'esplai!!!

From next September will initiate a recreation for children with special educational needs. We will meet one evening a month for activities in Barcelona, although we have the fantastic areas of the site ASPASIM … Continue reading

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The escola inclusive, ens not the desmontin!!!

In a country where education has become the last priority and where cutting rights seems normal no surprise to anyone that they are trying to dismantle the work done in the way of achieving an inclusive school, a schooling of i … Continue reading

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Can Drago Inclusió Campus!!

This morning 4 Weather monitors have started accompanying several children with special educational needs enrolled in Campus Can Dragon. Aquests infants, of 8 i 14 years will enjoy the activities offered on campus throughout the … Continue reading

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They started the summer camps!!!

This morning, went to the 9am, els i NENS nenes, boys and girls have enjoyed their first day of house!!! Many in the House of school ASPASIM, surrounded by the Collserola, have begun a journey along … Continue reading

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A fable for Poetry!!!

Here you have the first page of the delightful tale of a girl in a household, CEIP Student 'Olympic Village, Poetry is made by the City Council. Thanks to your support and pictograph … Continue reading

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Ja tenim Facebook!!!

In order to publicize what we do and how to network, we signed up to Facebook!!!! Esperem Us!!!

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