Category Archives: General

Respite support to the 3rd meeting of Families with children in educational inclusion

This is the third year we are celebrating this event, where parents take the opportunity to discuss, reflect, donar once… how to continue working to promote school inclusion of children with special educational needs. Count … Continue reading

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Primer dinar germanor d'Oratge!!!

El proper diumenge 10 June we will have lunch first general Weather!!! Nois i drown, workers, NENS i nenes, volunteers, families… I hope you all loved to spend time to remember where we've spent together … Continue reading

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All to the house!!!!

We open the registrations for summer camps for school ASPASIM!!! There eligible children and youth with special educational needs of the city (it is not necessary to be a student), enrolling in a week from 25 of juny to 27 … Continue reading

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We do so by Olot!!!

Although the climate of the last few days of Easter, thanks to the collaboration of IMSERSO and DINCAT, a group of young people enjoyed a vacation in Olot!!! Staying at the Hotel La Perla, on ens of … Continue reading

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Program to support families: Time per tots, time per tot!!!!

Hola a tothom!!! Returns the grant from the family support program in collaboration with DINCAT, although changes!! To promote a balance between work and family life and provide time and space … Continue reading

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Concert in the auditorium!!!

Some children in the home were the Flea this Saturday concert “Music Tree” in the Auditori de Barcelona. We enjoy a fantastic time from the interpretation of traditional Catalan music related cycle … Continue reading

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Concert a l'Pepet and Marieta Auditors!!

This Saturday 17 March we went to the concert and Marieta Pepet in the Auditorium of Barcelona!!! L'Allà vam enjoy Espectacle “Xaleu, galifardeus!!!”, where theater and music we did have a very good time. I for … Continue reading

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Costume party at the Arena Classic!!!

El passat 25 February a group of young people spent a good afternoon at the Arena classic sugarcane, where the association organized Sarau it a costume party!! From ballar, laughed and enjoyed Butt Carnival Barcelona, … Continue reading

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New outlet for young people in the Easter!!!

Hem modificat the Sortida, a mica-acurtant the. Així doncs, el diumenge 1 d in April 9 joves i 4 companions leave to Olot to fully enjoy 5 mig bell dies at the Garrotxa. Thanks to the grant of Imserso … Continue reading

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2n Work cafè d’Oratge!!!!

Curs Aquest, own initiative of workers and volunteers, Weather we started to make quarterly meetings to exchange knowledge in order to improve our intervention with people we work with So, fent un … Continue reading

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