Not all children were able to start their school!!!

Monday 12 of setembre, to them 9 the matí, have to go to school, to our barri, with such famous friends, amb l'smell of paper nou, i the semper Sorral. But this year some children were unable to join the class because teaching has cut its supports. Infants amb organs of aprendre, i in Conviure inclusive schoolall schools and all, but necesisten support to move, to communicate or even to eat.

And the government has so far refused to support brought the Resource Centre for Inclusion ASPASIM Public Schools!!!

So children who are already doing the 5th or 6th grade now must go to the School of Special Education, no criteria for pedagogic, up to diners.

A month Intervenció, that seems almost normal for a government that no longer cover the losses of the teachers of our children until after 15 this, has approved over class sizes, decidit has a guardian if no lime sintering estigui to pati, has almost no hours to meet with parents…

What tothom s'enteri!!!

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