The Government does not accept payment in July!!!

For the first time the Government has not paid a penny than ten so you can meet girls and boys homes, arguing the state's deficit problem and everything. This has meant adjusting costs to a minimum and the guys that workers can not receive salaries this month!!!!

Surely if each of naltrus home had to cut costs where we find ourselves before adjusting not feed our children or not there Buy them clothes. It seems that the Government does not, that in this country there is not a single superfluous lux than can dispense before leaving people without the most basic of which are themselves guardians!!!!

I leave a link in the website Dincerícilment-suportaran-un-altre-impagament-com-el-de-juliol_108260

What tothom s'enteri!!!

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One Response to The Government does not accept payment in July!!!

  1. Esther says:

    -A difondre!!!

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