Category Archives: General

Jove, enjoy your leisure!!!

We take this post for a summary of what services we offer from Oratge for young people with disabilities, and what we project!!! And since our inception we have had as a goal to … Continue reading

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Ens'll help?

Hello to everyone!!! We hope you had a good start to the year 2013!!! By Oratge together we eager to pursue small projects on and start new ones, trying not to lose sight … Continue reading

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Hem anat a Port Aventura!!!

Aprofitant holidays Nadal, en col·laboració amb la seva Fundació, we went to the amusement park that young people were in demand long!!! Amid the decor of the year we could own up to the adrenaline muntaya Russian … Continue reading

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Nadal Dies per Horta!!!

Like last July from Oratge, in partnership with the City Council, are accompanied 12 youth and adults in their free time so they can enjoy a vacation, while favoring the reconciliation of work and … Continue reading

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3 December to the streets against cuts!!!

Taking it on Monday 3 Disability Day is being prepared various events, taking into account what is happening, express our outrage at the cuts. From Dincer will be an event … Continue reading

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Concert de Nadal solidarity d'ASPASIM

I want to recommend this event, benefits which will be donated to the fund to recaudar Foundation ASPASIM, amb la que col·laborem de forma continuada i que fan una magnífica feina: On the initiative of the team of volunteers … Continue reading

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They come from the cribs ASPASIM!!!

If you want to start preparing for the Christmas fairs take advantage of the city!!! But if you are looking for a good crib do not hesitate, Occupational Center of workers ASPASIM exhibit and sale will be on the … Continue reading

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A hort at Poble Espanyol!!

The Special Education School ASPASIM, el Poble Espanyol i la Fundació Artesà han signat un conveni de col·laboració on l’alumnat, users of the school and the Department of Occupational Therapy (STO) are responsible for taking care of new space has been created … Continue reading

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This Saturday, of a l'Arena classic marxa!!

This weekend the meetings begin again Sarau the classic discoArena, and seen the success of last year, a group of young households take advantage of the evening to celebrate and move their bodies!! Highly recommended!!!

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Vols fer-ing partners Oratge?

In Oratge very clear that we want to be a participating organization, i horitzontal Open, in which we want everyone who wants to be a part. So we open the possibility of becoming a member of Oratge for 20 per year to any … Continue reading

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