Respite support to the 3rd meeting of Families with children in educational inclusion

This is the third year we are celebrating this event, where parents take the opportunity to discuss, reflect, donar once… how to continue working to promote school inclusion of children with special educational needs.

Counted in addition to lectures and roundtables where we heard Rosa Palmarola (President of DINCAT) parlarà que de l'oci inclusiu, to Noemí Santiveri, Platform Ciutadana per an inclusive educacio, a Efren Carbonell, the director ASPASIM d'Antonio Moreno, de l'Associacio APAP.2to meeting

Oratge, amb the d'ASPASIM with intervention, we have been putting our two cents conducting the service break with the kids so that kids spend an enjoyable morning while their parents can maximize the ruenió.

This time also is used to introduce a new little project, a recreation because children with special needs eductaives can continue to enjoy leisure.


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