Morning of the concert auditori!!

This weekend we have had plenty of great music and thanks to Zoom Culture program the children of the home were able to enjoy two a tot ventmagnificent concerts at the Auditorium of Barcelona:


Concert in which they could enjoy the Barcelona Symphony and Catalonia National (OBC) from interpreting ranging repertori, de l'actuació of 2 ballarines i d'a large inn scene.
They heard contrasting works of different styles and periods and, some performed by the orchestra and all other sound that is ideal for each of the families of instruments.

    Directorate musical: Santiago Serrate: Sebastian Garcia Ferro

A to guy!!

La Banda Municipal de Barcelona we played a selection of Catalan Music at its maximum amplitude. We enjoyed classic works of different periods and styles, dances and songs as well as works written for instruments banda.

    Municipal Band of Barcelona: Juan Miguel Romero: Juan Miguel Romero: Sol Pico
    GARRETA: June (sardana)
    Toldrà: The maledicció the Comte Arnau: Impressions camperoles: The echoes dels vall: Petita following Cançons Catalan: The Margarideta: Suite primerenca: Rondalla: Popular concert for symphonic band (polka)
    BROTONS: Sax set
    MORALEDA: Tirant lo Blanc, poem cavalleresc: Dances and celebrations of the great victory.
    Lamote de Grignon: Scherzo on a popular topic: To vent. Version Raimon tribute to Salvador Brotons.
    LAMBERT: The gegant of Pi (sardana)
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