Nadal Aquest, enjoy your leisure!!!

Again, we want to send a proposal framed in leisure program “Per time you” of the City Council. temps per tu general 3

This time it is possible that a group of young adults, principalment d'Horta-Guinardó, can take advantage of the Christmas holidays to perform activities such quality and fit for their age and preferences, the most encouraging self. This is also intended to promote the reconciliation of work and family life.

So just like last July, The group will meet in the center of orchard, of Alla, move to different parts of the district and the city and enjoy a well-deserved time off from work:

Cinemas, concerts, discoteques, museums, berenars… which arises!!!

This: 27 i 28 of desembre i 2, 3 i 4 Gener.
Hours: of 16:00 h a 19:30 h
Lloc of trobada: c. Creus, 8.
(Center Serveis Socials Horta)


What to do if you are interested?

Al Centre de Serveis Socials Horta trobareu la fitxa de sol·licitud. Fill it in the center and lliureula. For more information, contact the district's technical disabled: or through the Program Time and Quality of Life:
Registration is free activity, but the recipient will assume the payment of those activities that have an associated cost and transportation


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