25/març xerrada: Prevenció accidents i primers auxilis infantils


Os invitamos a asistir a la interesante charla sobre prevención de accidentes y primeros auxilios, que realizará Josefina Llagostera de la Fundació Hospital de Nens en nuestra EBM. El tema de la charla fue elegido entre todas las personas del AFA que participaron en la votación del pasado mes de enero.

La charla será el próximo lunes 25 de marzo, a las 17:15, en la SUM.

¡Os esperamos!

14/jul L’Ajuntament farà canvis als menús del menjador a petició de l’AFA

Hola famílies,
Des de la junta de l’AFA volem acabar aquest curs compartint amb tots vosaltres una bona notícia que ens ha arribat fa uns dies.
L’Ajuntament ens ha notificat que el curs vinent (2017-2018) es faran canvis en els menús dels infants i s’eliminaran els productes ensucrats dels esmorzars i berenars:

Resposta de l'Ajuntament a l'instáncia de l'AFA
Resposta de l’Ajuntament a l’instáncia de l’AFA

Tot això gràcies a la petició que vam fer a través de l’AFA, la recollida de signatures que es va fer a l’escola bressol i la perseverança tot i la negativa inicial que vam rebre des de l’Ajuntament.
Creiem que es tracta d’una millora molt important que va en favor de la salut dels nostres infants i estem molt contents del que hem aconseguit tots plegats fent pinya.
D’altra banda, ens agradaria destacar la resposta de l’Ajuntament davant de les inquietuds de les famílies. Ho veiem com un punt molt positiu que se’ns tingui en compte i que donin peu a treballar en comunitat.
Gràcies a tots i bon estiu.

Junta AFA La Farinera.

Enllaços útils (informació publicada als webs de la Generalitat):






curs-primers-auxilis(Actualització 28/feb: ultimes places disponibles. Contacteu amb l’AFA si esteu interessats)

Des de l’AFA i amb la col·laboració de l’Escola i el centre formador AQUNA (www.aquna.es), volem proposar un curs bàsic en prevenció i primers auxilis infantils.

Aquest curs va estar impartit al personal docent del nostre centre l’any 2014, i a les famílies de l’AFA l’any 2015, i el resultat va ser molt satisfactori, per això hem decidit oferir-lo de nou als pares i mares del centre.

Per a cobrir les places necessitem un total de 15 a 20 persones inscrites, a un preu de 15€ a 20€ per a membres de l’AFA. I pels no membres de l’AFA 25 o 30€ (Inclosa quota anual d’alta de soci AFA).
El curs es realitzarà a la mateixa escola i consta de tres mòduls :

-Dimarts 7 de Març (17.15h a 18:45h) : Curs Ennuegaments.
-Dimarts 14 de Març (17:15h a 18:45h): Curs aturades cardio-respiratòries.
-Dimarts 21 de Març (17:15h a 18:45h): Curs de lesions, contusiones i ferides.

Penseu que un curs d’aquestes característiques té un preu molt superior, per la qual cosa, us hi convidem a participar. La part que no paguen els pares esta subvencionada per l’AFA.

Per a confirmar l’assistència cal que envieu un email a afaebmlafarinera@gmail.com (abans del dia 2 de març), i posteriorment us informarem del sistema de pagament. Les dades que necessitem són:
– Noms i cognoms de l’assistent,
– Nom i classe del nen,
РTel̬fon de contacte i email,
– i si ets soci de l’AFA o no.

Un projecte de:
Forma part de:
En col·laboració amb:
xarxanet.org - Entitats i voluntaris per un món millor


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[9] => 04-25 06:40:34 - Cleared connection error. ) ) [frontend_error] => [reporter_key] => cff_error_reporter [display_error] => Array ( ) ) [cff_support_tool] => CustomFacebookFeed\Admin\CFF_Support_Tool Object ( ) [cff_blocks] => CustomFacebookFeed\CFF_Blocks Object ( ) [cff_notifications] => [cff_newuser] => [cff_oembed] => CustomFacebookFeed\CFF_Oembed Object ( ) [cff_tracking] => CustomFacebookFeed\Admin\CFF_Tracking Object ( ) [cff_shortcode] => CustomFacebookFeed\CFF_Shortcode Object ( [fb_feed_settings:protected] => [atts:protected] => [options:protected] => [page_id:protected] => [access_token:protected] => [feed_id:protected] => ) [cff_sitehealth] => [cff_feed_builder] => CustomFacebookFeed\Builder\CFF_Feed_Builder Object ( ) [cff_global_settings] => CustomFacebookFeed\Admin\CFF_Global_Settings Object ( ) [cff_oembeds] => CustomFacebookFeed\Admin\CFF_oEmbeds Object ( ) [cff_about_us] => CustomFacebookFeed\Admin\CFF_About_Us Object ( ) [cff_support] => 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=> register_block_core_social_link [accepted_args] => 1 ) [register_block_core_tag_cloud] => Array ( [function] => register_block_core_tag_cloud [accepted_args] => 1 ) [register_block_core_template_part] => Array ( [function] => register_block_core_template_part [accepted_args] => 1 ) [register_block_core_term_description] => Array ( [function] => register_block_core_term_description [accepted_args] => 1 ) [register_core_block_types_from_metadata] => Array ( [function] => register_core_block_types_from_metadata [accepted_args] => 1 ) [_register_theme_block_patterns] => Array ( [function] => _register_theme_block_patterns [accepted_args] => 1 ) [ms_subdomain_constants] => Array ( [function] => ms_subdomain_constants [accepted_args] => 1 ) [maybe_add_existing_user_to_blog] => Array ( [function] => maybe_add_existing_user_to_blog [accepted_args] => 1 ) [admin_ads_init] => Array ( [function] => admin_ads_init [accepted_args] => 1 ) [0000000041c874ae000000001437c800init] => Array ( [function] => Array ( [0] => WPMUDEV_Dashboard_Notice4 Object ( [version] => 4.2 [screen_id] => [product_name] => [product_update] => [theme_pack] => 128 [server_url] => https://premium.wpmudev.org/api/dashboard/v1/ [update_count] => 0 ) [1] => init ) [accepted_args] => 1 ) [0000000041c874a1000000001437c800maybe_upgrade] => Array ( [function] => Array ( [0] => Avatars Object ( [network_top_menu] => settings.php [network_top_menu_slug] => network/settings.php [current_version] => 4.1.8 [avatars_dir:Avatars:private] => /var/www/virtual/blocs.xarxanet.org/htdocs/wp-content/uploads/avatars [user_avatar_dir] => /var/www/virtual/blocs.xarxanet.org/htdocs/wp-content/uploads/avatars/user/ [blog_avatar_dir] => /var/www/virtual/blocs.xarxanet.org/htdocs/wp-content/uploads/avatars/blog/ [avatars_url:Avatars:private] => https://blocs.xarxanet.org/wp-content/uploads/avatars [user_avatar_url:Avatars:private] => https://blocs.xarxanet.org/wp-content/uploads/avatars/user/ [blog_avatar_url:Avatars:private] => https://blocs.xarxanet.org/wp-content/uploads/avatars/blog/ [default_blog_avatar:Avatars:private] => identicon [local_default_avatar_url:Avatars:private] => https://blocs.xarxanet.org/afaebmlafarinera/wp-content/plugins/avatars/avatars-files/images/default-avatar- [local_default_avatar_dir:Avatars:private] => [nginx:Avatars:private] => [local_default_avatar_path] => /var/www/virtual/blocs.xarxanet.org/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/avatars/avatars-files/images/default-avatar- ) [1] => maybe_upgrade ) [accepted_args] => 1 ) [0000000041c874a1000000001437c800load_textdomain] => Array ( [function] => Array ( [0] => Avatars Object ( [network_top_menu] => settings.php [network_top_menu_slug] => network/settings.php [current_version] => 4.1.8 [avatars_dir:Avatars:private] => /var/www/virtual/blocs.xarxanet.org/htdocs/wp-content/uploads/avatars [user_avatar_dir] => /var/www/virtual/blocs.xarxanet.org/htdocs/wp-content/uploads/avatars/user/ [blog_avatar_dir] => /var/www/virtual/blocs.xarxanet.org/htdocs/wp-content/uploads/avatars/blog/ [avatars_url:Avatars:private] => https://blocs.xarxanet.org/wp-content/uploads/avatars [user_avatar_url:Avatars:private] => https://blocs.xarxanet.org/wp-content/uploads/avatars/user/ [blog_avatar_url:Avatars:private] => https://blocs.xarxanet.org/wp-content/uploads/avatars/blog/ [default_blog_avatar:Avatars:private] => identicon [local_default_avatar_url:Avatars:private] => https://blocs.xarxanet.org/afaebmlafarinera/wp-content/plugins/avatars/avatars-files/images/default-avatar- [local_default_avatar_dir:Avatars:private] => [nginx:Avatars:private] => [local_default_avatar_path] => /var/www/virtual/blocs.xarxanet.org/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/avatars/avatars-files/images/default-avatar- ) [1] => load_textdomain ) [accepted_args] => 1 ) [0000000041c872ec000000001437c800load_i18n] => Array ( [function] => Array ( [0] => DisableGutenberg Object ( ) [1] => load_i18n ) [accepted_args] => 1 ) [global_footer_content_init] => Array ( [function] => global_footer_content_init [accepted_args] => 1 ) [0000000041c87312000000001437c800session_start] => Array ( [function] => Array ( [0] => ThemeTweaker Object ( [prefix] => themeTweaker [slug] => theme-tweaker [name] => Theme Tweaker [plgDir] => /var/www/virtual/blocs.xarxanet.org/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/theme-tweaker-lite [plgURL] => https://blocs.xarxanet.org/afaebmlafarinera/wp-content/plugins/theme-tweaker-lite/ [plgFile] => /var/www/virtual/blocs.xarxanet.org/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/theme-tweaker-lite/theme-tweaker.php [adminMsg] => [ezAdmin] => [myPlugins] => [isPro] => [strPro] => Lite [optionName] => themeTweakertwentysixteen [options] => Array ( [oldColors] => Array ( ) [newColors] => Array ( ) [preview] => 1 [activate] => [kill_footer] => 1 [fullCSS] => [trimmedCSS] => [kill_author] => ) [ezOptions] => Array ( ) [lang] => ) [1] => session_start ) [accepted_args] => 1 ) [0000000041c875d2000000001437c800_wordpress_init] => Array ( [function] => Array ( [0] => WordfenceLS\Controller_WordfenceLS Object ( [management_assets_registered:WordfenceLS\Controller_WordfenceLS:private] => [management_assets_enqueued:WordfenceLS\Controller_WordfenceLS:private] => [use_core_font_awesome_styles:WordfenceLS\Controller_WordfenceLS:private] => ) [1] => _wordpress_init ) [accepted_args] => 1 ) [wordfence::initAction] => Array ( [function] => wordfence::initAction [accepted_args] => 1 ) [dm_text_domain] => Array ( [function] => dm_text_domain [accepted_args] => 1 ) [0000000041c872a1000000001437c800setup_branding] => Array ( [function] => Array ( [0] => WPMUDEV_Dashboard_Ui Object ( [page_urls] => WPMUDEV_Dashboard_Sui_Page_Urls Object ( [dashboard_url] => https://blocs.xarxanet.org/wp-admin/network/admin.php?page=wpmudev [settings_url] => https://blocs.xarxanet.org/wp-admin/network/admin.php?page=wpmudev-settings [plugins_url] => https://blocs.xarxanet.org/wp-admin/network/admin.php?page=wpmudev-plugins [support_url] => https://blocs.xarxanet.org/wp-admin/network/admin.php?page=wpmudev-support [tools_url] => https://blocs.xarxanet.org/wp-admin/network/admin.php?page=wpmudev-tools [remote_site] => https://wpmudev.com/ [external_support_url] => https://wpmudev.com/hub2/#ask-question [hub_url] => https://wpmudev.com/hub2 [hub_url_old] => https://wpmudev.com/hub [documentation_url] => Array ( [dashboard] => https://wpmudev.com/docs/wpmu-dev-plugins/wpmu-dev-dashboard-plugin-instructions/ [plugins] => https://wpmudev.com/docs/wpmu-dev-plugins/wpmu-dev-dashboard-plugin-instructions/#plugins [support] => https://wpmudev.com/docs/wpmu-dev-plugins/wpmu-dev-dashboard-plugin-instructions/#support [analytics] => https://wpmudev.com/docs/wpmu-dev-plugins/wpmu-dev-dashboard-plugin-instructions/#analytics [whitelabel] => https://wpmudev.com/docs/wpmu-dev-plugins/wpmu-dev-dashboard-plugin-instructions/#white-label [settings] => https://wpmudev.com/docs/wpmu-dev-plugins/wpmu-dev-dashboard-plugin-instructions/#settings ) [community_url] => https://wpmudev.com/hub/community/ [academy_url] => https://wpmudev.com/academy/ [hub_account_url] => https://wpmudev.com/hub/account [trial_url] => https://wpmudev.com/#trial [real_support_url] => [themes_url] => [whip_url] => https://wpmudev.com/blog/get-the-whip/ [blog_url] => https://wpmudev.com/blog [roadmap_url] => https://wpmudev.com/roadmap/ [analytics_url] => https://blocs.xarxanet.org/wp-admin/network/admin.php?page=wpmudev-analytics [whitelabel_url] => https://blocs.xarxanet.org/wp-admin/network/admin.php?page=wpmudev-whitelabel [skip_trial_url] => https://wpmudev.com/hub/account/?skip_trial ) ) [1] => setup_branding ) [accepted_args] => 1 ) [cff_check_custom_css] => Array ( [function] => cff_check_custom_css [accepted_args] => 1 ) [0000000041c8759b000000001437c800i18n] => Array ( [function] => Array ( [0] => WP_Embedly Object ( [embedly_options] => Array ( [active] => 1 [key] => c9e9bb2460d545fda0456171c0fdf7e4 [analytics_key] => 46b854cbe2d5415fa0cd77b11512ac3c [card_chrome] => 0 [card_controls] => 0 [card_align] => left [card_width] => [card_theme] => light [is_key_valid] => 1 [is_welcomed] => 1 ) [embedly_settings_page] => ) [1] => i18n ) [accepted_args] => 1 ) [mylinkorder_loadtranslation] => Array ( [function] => mylinkorder_loadtranslation [accepted_args] => 1 ) [SlideshowPluginMain::localize] => Array ( [function] => Array ( [0] => SlideshowPluginMain [1] => localize ) [accepted_args] => 1 ) [SlideshowPluginPostType::registerSlideshowPostType] => Array ( [function] => Array ( [0] => SlideshowPluginPostType [1] => registerSlideshowPostType ) [accepted_args] => 1 ) [stats_load_translations] => Array ( [function] => stats_load_translations [accepted_args] => 1 ) [wpeg_code_button] => Array ( [function] => wpeg_code_button [accepted_args] => 1 ) [wpGForm::ProcessGoogleForm] => Array ( [function] => Array ( [0] => wpGForm [1] => ProcessGoogleForm ) [accepted_args] => 1 ) [wpgform_register_post_types] => Array ( [function] => wpgform_register_post_types [accepted_args] => 1 ) [wpgform_init] => Array ( [function] => wpgform_init [accepted_args] => 1 ) [wywi_register_post_type] => Array ( [function] => wywi_register_post_type [accepted_args] => 1 ) [0000000041c874a1000000001437c800flush_rules] => Array ( [function] => Array ( [0] => Avatars Object ( [network_top_menu] => settings.php [network_top_menu_slug] => network/settings.php [current_version] => 4.1.8 [avatars_dir:Avatars:private] => /var/www/virtual/blocs.xarxanet.org/htdocs/wp-content/uploads/avatars [user_avatar_dir] => /var/www/virtual/blocs.xarxanet.org/htdocs/wp-content/uploads/avatars/user/ [blog_avatar_dir] => /var/www/virtual/blocs.xarxanet.org/htdocs/wp-content/uploads/avatars/blog/ [avatars_url:Avatars:private] => https://blocs.xarxanet.org/wp-content/uploads/avatars [user_avatar_url:Avatars:private] => https://blocs.xarxanet.org/wp-content/uploads/avatars/user/ [blog_avatar_url:Avatars:private] => https://blocs.xarxanet.org/wp-content/uploads/avatars/blog/ [default_blog_avatar:Avatars:private] => identicon [local_default_avatar_url:Avatars:private] => https://blocs.xarxanet.org/afaebmlafarinera/wp-content/plugins/avatars/avatars-files/images/default-avatar- [local_default_avatar_dir:Avatars:private] => [nginx:Avatars:private] => [local_default_avatar_path] => /var/www/virtual/blocs.xarxanet.org/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/avatars/avatars-files/images/default-avatar- ) [1] => flush_rules ) [accepted_args] => 1 ) [0000000041c87537000000001437c800] => Array ( [function] => Closure Object ( [this] => Inpsyde\MultisiteFeed\Plugin Object ( [settings:Inpsyde\MultisiteFeed\Plugin:private] => Inpsyde\MultisiteFeed\Settings Object ( ) [cache:Inpsyde\MultisiteFeed\Plugin:private] => Inpsyde\MultisiteFeed\Cache\SiteTransientCache Object ( [expiration:Inpsyde\MultisiteFeed\Cache\SiteTransientCache:private] => 0 [group_name:Inpsyde\MultisiteFeed\Cache\IncrementorBasedCacheGroup:private] => inpsyde_multisite_feed_cache [incrementor:Inpsyde\MultisiteFeed\Cache\IncrementorBasedCacheGroup:private] => Inpsyde\MultisiteFeed\Cache\Incrementor\SiteTransientIncrementor Object ( [group_name:Inpsyde\MultisiteFeed\Cache\Incrementor\SiteTransientIncrementor:private] => inpsyde_multisite_feed_cache [incrementor_suffix:Inpsyde\MultisiteFeed\Cache\Incrementor\SiteTransientIncrementor:private] => incr ) ) [request:Inpsyde\MultisiteFeed\Plugin:private] => Inpsyde\MultisiteFeed\FeedRequestValidator Object ( [settings:Inpsyde\MultisiteFeed\FeedRequestValidator:private] => Inpsyde\MultisiteFeed\Settings Object ( ) ) ) ) [accepted_args] => 1 ) [0000000041c872fb000000001437c800schedule_send] => Array ( [function] => Array ( [0] => CustomFacebookFeed\Admin\CFF_Tracking Object ( ) [1] => schedule_send ) [accepted_args] => 1 ) [0000000041c86580000000001437c800register_block] => Array ( [function] => Array ( [0] => CustomFacebookFeed\CFF_Blocks Object ( ) [1] => register_block ) [accepted_args] => 1 ) [0000000041c86580000000001437c800register_facebook_feed_block] => Array ( [function] => Array ( [0] => CustomFacebookFeed\CFF_Blocks Object ( ) [1] => register_facebook_feed_block ) [accepted_args] => 1 ) ) [21] => Array ( [register_legacy_post_comments_block] => Array ( [function] => register_legacy_post_comments_block [accepted_args] => 1 ) ) [22] => Array ( [WP_Block_Supports::init] => Array ( [function] => Array ( [0] => WP_Block_Supports [1] => init ) [accepted_args] => 1 ) ) [99] => Array ( [check_theme_switched] => Array ( [function] => check_theme_switched [accepted_args] => 1 ) ) [999] => Array ( [0000000041c87282000000001437c800run_request] => Array ( [function] => Array ( [0] => WPMUDEV_Dashboard_Remote Object ( [timer:protected] => 0 [current_action:protected] => [current_params:protected] => Array ( ) [actions:protected] => Array ( ) ) [1] => run_request ) [accepted_args] => 1 ) ) [9999] => Array ( [0000000041c87207000000001437c800actionSetRequestOnInit] => Array ( [function] => Array ( [0] => wfLog Object ( [canLogHit] => 1 [effectiveUserID:wfLog:private] => 0 [hitsTable:wfLog:private] => wp_wfHits [apiKey:wfLog:private] => 3d0b8e5ce89093ac8c1ca01320bd6956cd53ab8c39e4edd6a004102c3e760d1001c4de69ef8aa39ce703c343770e65d63d0b19d7e6725cd29a43abb0a5f79b075751b53f552152223a7390046a43be5f [wp_version:wfLog:private] => 6.4.3 [db:wfLog:private] => [googlePattern:wfLog:private] => /\.(?:googlebot\.com|google\.[a-z]{2,3}|google\.[a-z]{2}\.[a-z]{2}|1e100\.net)$/i [loginsTable:wfLog:private] => wp_wfLogins [statusTable:wfLog:private] => wp_wfStatus [currentRequest:wfLog:private] => wfRequestModel Object ( [columns:wfRequestModel:private] => Array ( [0] => id [1] => attackLogTime [2] => ctime [3] => IP [4] => jsRun [5] => statusCode [6] => isGoogle [7] => userID [8] => URL [9] => referer [10] => UA [11] => action [12] => actionDescription [13] => actionData ) [data:wfModel:private] => Array ( [ctime] => 1714318136.180650 [statusCode] => 200 [isGoogle] => 0 [IP] => ÿÿÙˬ [userID] => 0 [URL] => https://blocs.xarxanet.org/afaebmlafarinera/category/salut-infantil/ [referer] => [UA] => Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com) [jsRun] => 0 ) [db:wfModel:private] => [dirty:wfModel:private] => 1 ) ) [1] => actionSetRequestOnInit ) [accepted_args] => 1 ) ) ) [priorities:protected] => Array ( [0] => 0 [1] => 1 [2] => 5 [3] => 9 [4] => 10 [5] => 21 [6] => 22 [7] => 99 [8] => 999 [9] => 9999 ) [iterations:WP_Hook:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => 0 [1] => 1 [2] => 5 [3] => 9 [4] => 10 [5] => 21 [6] => 22 [7] => 99 [8] => 999 [9] => 9999 ) ) [current_priority:WP_Hook:private] => Array ( [0] => 0 ) [nesting_level:WP_Hook:private] => 1 [doing_action:WP_Hook:private] => 1 )


WP_Hook Object
    [callbacks] => Array
            [-1] => Array
                    [0000000041c874a1000000001437c800load_avatar] => Array
                            [function] => Array
                                    [0] => Avatars Object
                                            [network_top_menu] => settings.php
                                            [network_top_menu_slug] => network/settings.php
                                            [current_version] => 4.1.8
                                            [avatars_dir:Avatars:private] => /var/www/virtual/blocs.xarxanet.org/htdocs/wp-content/uploads/avatars
                                            [user_avatar_dir] => /var/www/virtual/blocs.xarxanet.org/htdocs/wp-content/uploads/avatars/user/
                                            [blog_avatar_dir] => /var/www/virtual/blocs.xarxanet.org/htdocs/wp-content/uploads/avatars/blog/
                                            [avatars_url:Avatars:private] => https://blocs.xarxanet.org/wp-content/uploads/avatars
                                            [user_avatar_url:Avatars:private] => https://blocs.xarxanet.org/wp-content/uploads/avatars/user/
                                            [blog_avatar_url:Avatars:private] => https://blocs.xarxanet.org/wp-content/uploads/avatars/blog/
                                            [default_blog_avatar:Avatars:private] => identicon
                                            [local_default_avatar_url:Avatars:private] => https://blocs.xarxanet.org/afaebmlafarinera/wp-content/plugins/avatars/avatars-files/images/default-avatar-
                                            [local_default_avatar_dir:Avatars:private] => 
                                            [nginx:Avatars:private] => 
                                            [local_default_avatar_path] => /var/www/virtual/blocs.xarxanet.org/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/avatars/avatars-files/images/default-avatar-

                                    [1] => load_avatar

                            [accepted_args] => 1


            [0] => Array
                    [_wp_admin_bar_init] => Array
                            [function] => _wp_admin_bar_init
                            [accepted_args] => 1


            [10] => Array
                    [wp_old_slug_redirect] => Array
                            [function] => wp_old_slug_redirect
                            [accepted_args] => 1

                    [redirect_canonical] => Array
                            [function] => redirect_canonical
                            [accepted_args] => 1

                    [maybe_redirect_404] => Array
                            [function] => maybe_redirect_404
                            [accepted_args] => 1

                    [redirect_to_mapped_domain] => Array
                            [function] => redirect_to_mapped_domain
                            [accepted_args] => 1


            [11] => Array
                    [rest_output_link_header] => Array
                            [function] => rest_output_link_header
                            [accepted_args] => 0

                    [wp_shortlink_header] => Array
                            [function] => wp_shortlink_header
                            [accepted_args] => 0


            [1000] => Array
                    [wp_redirect_admin_locations] => Array
                            [function] => wp_redirect_admin_locations
                            [accepted_args] => 1


            [1001] => Array
                    [wordfence::templateRedir] => Array
                            [function] => wordfence::templateRedir
                            [accepted_args] => 1



    [priorities:protected] => Array
            [0] => -1
            [1] => 0
            [2] => 10
            [3] => 11
            [4] => 1000
            [5] => 1001

    [iterations:WP_Hook:private] => Array

    [current_priority:WP_Hook:private] => Array

    [nesting_level:WP_Hook:private] => 0
    [doing_action:WP_Hook:private] => 

