Comencem el curs amb força!

Hola famílies, el curs ja ha arrencat i ja estem compartint els primers dies a l’escola. Per això des de l’AFA proposem trobar-nos el proper dijous 21 de setembre a les 15:30h per a participar en la primera assemblea del curs. Serà un espai de trobada on podreu descobrir les propostes per a infants i famílies i també fer les vostres aportacions. Us animem a participar!

Aprofitem també per informar-vos del compte d’Instagram de l’AFA per seguir al dia de les novetats, el podeu seguir a: @afaebmlafarinera

A continuació detallem l’ordre del dia de la primera reunió del curs:

    1. Benvinguda noves famílies
    2. Extraescolars i xerrades
    3. Valoració Bressol estiu /allargament
    4. Renovació Junta AFA
    5. Altres




Comencem !!!

Us animem a participar a l’AFA, aquest proper curs, s’ha de renovar la Junta !!! Així que mamis, papis, necessitem de la vostra col·laboració. Perquè com diu el video al final tot és per les nostres filles i fills !!

Aquí tots sumem per poc que fem, tots podem dedicar una estoneta a col·laborar i en millorar l’estada de les nostres filles i fills a l’escola. Aquest any farem una bossa de col·laboradors, per així el que pugui en un moment donat, pugui col·laborar encara que sigui un dia puntual.

Sempre es necessiten mans, però aquest any encara més !!!

Sense AFA, no tindrem EXTRAESCOLARS, XERRADES, FESTES, ALLARGAMENTS, BRESSOLS D’ESTIU… Ni la lluita continua que representa treballar cada dia per millorar tot allò que no us agrada.
Intentem sempre fer-ho el millor que sabem i esperem deixar-ho millor del que hem trobat.
Va animeu-vos !!! Necessitem mans per a tot !!

I si només tens una estoneta al llarg de l’any també serveix… TOTES SUMEM !!! TOTES SOM AFA !!!!

VA, QUI ENTRA (a la Junta de l’AMPA)

Videoclip protagonitzat per membres de la Junta de l’AMPA Joan XIII (2018/2019) amb la col·laboració de l’equip docent de l’Escola Joan XXIII de les Borges Blanques, entre d’altres, amb la finalitat d’engrescar a les famílies a entrar a formar part de la junta de l’AMPA o a participar de totes


Bon dia famílies,

Pels curs 2019-2020, tindrem un servei d’allargament al setembre a l’Escola Bressol La Farinera, promogut per l’AFA La Farinera i organitzat per la COOPERATIVA INCOOP.

Del 12 fins al 30 de setembre, el centre educatiu realitzarà la reducció de jornada lectiva, la qual finalitzarà a les 15:00h. Per això, l’horari comprès entre les 15:00 i les 17:00 hores, serà gestionat mitjançant les professionals que integren l’equip d’educadores dels servei de suport educatiu a l’escola bressol.

Els horaris i preus dels servei d’allargament seran els següents:

del 12 al 30 de 15h a 17h 105,00 €
del 12 al 20 de 15h a 17h 60,00 €
del 23 al 30 de 15h a 17h 50,00 €
Dia esporàdic de 15h a 17h 10,00 € (per fer dies esporàdics és necessari inscriure’s)

Les famílies interesades envieun’s un email a i us enviarem els formularis que cal emplenar.

Un projecte de:
Forma part de:
En col·laboració amb: - Entitats i voluntaris per un món millor


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WP_Hook Object
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                                            [ga_sa_options:protected] => 

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                                            [multisite_roles:WordfenceLS\Controller_Permissions:private] => 

                                    [1] => _validate_role_sync_cron

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                                    [1] => check_version

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                            [accepted_args] => 1

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                            [accepted_args] => 1

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                            [function] => register_block_core_template_part
                            [accepted_args] => 1

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                            [function] => register_block_core_term_description
                            [accepted_args] => 1

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                            [function] => register_core_block_types_from_metadata
                            [accepted_args] => 1

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                            [function] => _register_theme_block_patterns
                            [accepted_args] => 1

                    [ms_subdomain_constants] => Array
                            [function] => ms_subdomain_constants
                            [accepted_args] => 1

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                            [function] => maybe_add_existing_user_to_blog
                            [accepted_args] => 1

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                                            [product_name] => 
                                            [product_update] => 
                                            [theme_pack] => 128
                                            [server_url] =>
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                                    [1] => init

                            [accepted_args] => 1

                    [0000000065975e74000000003f96eed7maybe_upgrade] => Array
                            [function] => Array
                                    [0] => Avatars Object
                                            [network_top_menu] => settings.php
                                            [network_top_menu_slug] => network/settings.php
                                            [current_version] => 4.1.8
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                                            [user_avatar_dir] => /var/www/virtual/
                                            [blog_avatar_dir] => /var/www/virtual/
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                                            [default_blog_avatar:Avatars:private] => identicon
                                            [local_default_avatar_url:Avatars:private] =>
                                            [local_default_avatar_dir:Avatars:private] => 
                                            [nginx:Avatars:private] => 
                                            [local_default_avatar_path] => /var/www/virtual/

                                    [1] => maybe_upgrade

                            [accepted_args] => 1

                    [0000000065975e74000000003f96eed7load_textdomain] => Array
                            [function] => Array
                                    [0] => Avatars Object
                                            [network_top_menu] => settings.php
                                            [network_top_menu_slug] => network/settings.php
                                            [current_version] => 4.1.8
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                                            [user_avatar_dir] => /var/www/virtual/
                                            [blog_avatar_dir] => /var/www/virtual/
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                                            [default_blog_avatar:Avatars:private] => identicon
                                            [local_default_avatar_url:Avatars:private] =>
                                            [local_default_avatar_dir:Avatars:private] => 
                                            [nginx:Avatars:private] => 
                                            [local_default_avatar_path] => /var/www/virtual/

                                    [1] => load_textdomain

                            [accepted_args] => 1

                    [0000000065975074000000003f96eed7load_banner] => Array
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                                    [0] => CookieYes\Lite\Frontend\Frontend Object
                                            [plugin_name:CookieYes\Lite\Frontend\Frontend:private] => cookie-law-info
                                            [version:CookieYes\Lite\Frontend\Frontend:private] => 3.2.7
                                            [banner:protected] => 
                                            [settings:protected] => CookieYes\Lite\Admin\Modules\Settings\Includes\Settings Object
                                                    [data:protected] => Array
                                                            [site] => Array
                                                                    [url] =>
                                                                    [installed] => 1737341700

                                                            [api] => Array
                                                                    [token] => 

                                                            [account] => Array
                                                                    [email] => 
                                                                    [domain] => 
                                                                    [connected] => 
                                                                    [plan] => free
                                                                    [website_id] => 
                                                                    [website_key] => 

                                                            [consent_logs] => Array
                                                                    [status] => 1

                                                            [languages] => Array
                                                                    [selected] => Array
                                                                            [0] => en

                                                                    [default] => en

                                                            [onboarding] => Array
                                                                    [step] => 2


                                                    [id:protected] => 0
                                                    [default_data:protected] => Array

                                                    [language:protected] => 
                                                    [revisions:protected] => Array

                                                    [loaded:protected] => 
                                                    [context:protected] => view

                                            [gcm_settings:protected] => CookieYes\Lite\Admin\Modules\Gcm\Includes\Gcm_Settings Object
                                                    [data:protected] => Array
                                                            [status] => 
                                                            [default_settings] => Array
                                                                    [0] => Array
                                                                            [analytics] => denied
                                                                            [advertisement] => denied
                                                                            [functional] => denied
                                                                            [necessary] => granted
                                                                            [ad_user_data] => denied
                                                                            [ad_personalization] => denied
                                                                            [regions] => All


                                                            [wait_for_update] => 2000
                                                            [url_passthrough] => 
                                                            [ads_data_redaction] => 

                                                    [id:protected] => 0
                                                    [default_data:protected] => Array

                                                    [language:protected] => 
                                                    [revisions:protected] => Array

                                                    [loaded:protected] => 
                                                    [context:protected] => view

                                            [template:protected] => 
                                            [providers:protected] => Array


                                    [1] => load_banner

                            [accepted_args] => 1

                    [0000000065975073000000003f96eed7load_i18n] => Array
                            [function] => Array
                                    [0] => DisableGutenberg Object

                                    [1] => load_i18n

                            [accepted_args] => 1

                    [global_footer_content_init] => Array
                            [function] => global_footer_content_init
                            [accepted_args] => 1

                    [000000006597505e000000003f96eed7session_start] => Array
                            [function] => Array
                                    [0] => ThemeTweaker Object
                                            [prefix] => themeTweaker
                                            [slug] => theme-tweaker
                                            [name] => Theme Tweaker
                                            [plgDir] => /var/www/virtual/
                                            [plgURL] =>
                                            [plgFile] => /var/www/virtual/
                                            [adminMsg] => 
                                            [ezAdmin] => 
                                            [myPlugins] => 
                                            [isPro] => 
                                            [strPro] =>  Lite
                                            [optionName] => themeTweakertwentysixteen
                                            [options] => Array
                                                    [oldColors] => Array

                                                    [newColors] => Array

                                                    [preview] => 1
                                                    [activate] => 
                                                    [kill_footer] => 1
                                                    [fullCSS] => 
                                                    [trimmedCSS] => 
                                                    [kill_author] => 

                                            [ezOptions] => Array

                                            [lang] => 

                                    [1] => session_start

                            [accepted_args] => 1

                    [0000000065975fb9000000003f96eed7_wordpress_init] => Array
                            [function] => Array
                                    [0] => WordfenceLS\Controller_WordfenceLS Object
                                            [management_assets_registered:WordfenceLS\Controller_WordfenceLS:private] => 
                                            [management_assets_enqueued:WordfenceLS\Controller_WordfenceLS:private] => 
                                            [use_core_font_awesome_styles:WordfenceLS\Controller_WordfenceLS:private] => 

                                    [1] => _wordpress_init

                            [accepted_args] => 1

                    [wordfence::initAction] => Array
                            [function] => wordfence::initAction
                            [accepted_args] => 1

                    [dm_text_domain] => Array
                            [function] => dm_text_domain
                            [accepted_args] => 1

                    [00000000659750f7000000003f96eed7] => Array
                            [function] => Closure Object
                                    [this] => WPMUDEV_Dashboard Object


                            [accepted_args] => 1

                    [0000000065975058000000003f96eed7setup_branding] => Array
                            [function] => Array
                                    [0] => WPMUDEV_Dashboard_Ui Object
                                            [page_urls] => WPMUDEV_Dashboard_Sui_Page_Urls Object
                                                    [dashboard_url] =>
                                                    [settings_url] =>
                                                    [plugins_url] =>
                                                    [support_url] =>
                                                    [tools_url] =>
                                                    [remote_site] =>
                                                    [external_support_url] =>
                                                    [hub_url] =>
                                                    [hub_url_old] =>
                                                    [documentation_url] => Array
                                                            [dashboard] =>
                                                            [plugins] =>
                                                            [support] =>
                                                            [analytics] =>
                                                            [whitelabel] =>
                                                            [settings] =>

                                                    [community_url] =>
                                                    [academy_url] =>
                                                    [hub_account_url] =>
                                                    [trial_url] =>
                                                    [real_support_url] => 
                                                    [themes_url] => 
                                                    [whip_url] =>
                                                    [blog_url] =>
                                                    [roadmap_url] =>
                                                    [analytics_url] =>
                                                    [whitelabel_url] =>
                                                    [skip_trial_url] => 


                                    [1] => setup_branding

                            [accepted_args] => 1

                    [cff_check_custom_css] => Array
                            [function] => cff_check_custom_css
                            [accepted_args] => 1

                    [0000000065975e39000000003f96eed7load_textdomain] => Array
                            [function] => Array
                                    [0] => CustomFacebookFeed\Custom_Facebook_Feed Object
                                            [cff_admin] => CustomFacebookFeed\Admin\CFF_Admin Object

                                            [cff_about] => 
                                            [cff_error_reporter] => CustomFacebookFeed\CFF_Error_Reporter Object
                                                    [errors] => Array
                                                            [connection] => Array

                                                            [resizing] => Array

                                                            [database_create] => Array

                                                            [upload_dir] => Array

                                                            [accounts] => Array
                                                                    [1] => Array
                                                                            [api] => Array
                                                                                    [error] => Array
                                                                                            [message] => (#10) To use 'Page Public Content Access', your use of this endpoint must be reviewed and approved by Facebook. To submit this 'Page Public Content Access' feature for review please read our documentation on reviewable features:
                                                                                            [type] => OAuthException
                                                                                            [code] => 10
                                                                                            [fbtrace_id] => AIWSk8I2a4za8AeZivGntjR

                                                                                    [clear_time] => 1714027413



                                                            [error_log] => Array
                                                                    [3] => 09-27 16:20:13 - {"accesstoken":"none","public_message":"Unable to make remote requests to the Facebook API. Log in as an admin to view more details.","admin_message":"Error connecting to the Facebook API:  http_request_failed - cURL error 28: Connection timed out after 5000 milliseconds","frontend_directions":"

Directions on How to Resolve This Issue<\/a><\/p>","backend_directions":"Directions on How to Resolve This Issue<\/a>","post_id":false,"errorno":"wp_remote_get"} [4] => 09-28 01:13:10 - {"accesstoken":"none","public_message":"Unable to make remote requests to the Facebook API. Log in as an admin to view more details.","admin_message":"Error connecting to the Facebook API: http_request_failed - cURL error 28: Connection timed out after 5000 milliseconds","frontend_directions":"

Directions on How to Resolve This Issue<\/a><\/p>","backend_directions":"Directions on How to Resolve This Issue<\/a>","post_id":18,"errorno":"wp_remote_get"} [5] => 10-01 07:37:08 - {"accesstoken":"none","public_message":"Unable to make remote requests to the Facebook API. Log in as an admin to view more details.","admin_message":"Error connecting to the Facebook API: http_request_failed - cURL error 28: Connection timed out after 5000 milliseconds","frontend_directions":"

Directions on How to Resolve This Issue<\/a><\/p>","backend_directions":"Directions on How to Resolve This Issue<\/a>","post_id":873,"errorno":"wp_remote_get"} [6] => 10-04 18:06:40 - {"accesstoken":"none","public_message":"Unable to make remote requests to the Facebook API. Log in as an admin to view more details.","admin_message":"Error connecting to the Facebook API: http_request_failed - cURL error 6: Could not resolve host:","frontend_directions":"

Directions on How to Resolve This Issue<\/a><\/p>","backend_directions":"Directions on How to Resolve This Issue<\/a>","post_id":false,"errorno":"wp_remote_get"} [7] => 10-04 19:18:28 - {"accesstoken":"none","public_message":"Unable to make remote requests to the Facebook API. Log in as an admin to view more details.","admin_message":"Error connecting to the Facebook API: http_request_failed - cURL error 6: Could not resolve host:","frontend_directions":"

Directions on How to Resolve This Issue<\/a><\/p>","backend_directions":"Directions on How to Resolve This Issue<\/a>","post_id":518,"errorno":"wp_remote_get"} [8] => 10-04 20:30:09 - {"accesstoken":"none","public_message":"Unable to make remote requests to the Facebook API. Log in as an admin to view more details.","admin_message":"Error connecting to the Facebook API: http_request_failed - cURL error 6: Could not resolve host:","frontend_directions":"

Directions on How to Resolve This Issue<\/a><\/p>","backend_directions":"Directions on How to Resolve This Issue<\/a>","post_id":false,"errorno":"wp_remote_get"} [9] => 10-04 21:46:27 - {"accesstoken":"none","public_message":"Unable to make remote requests to the Facebook API. Log in as an admin to view more details.","admin_message":"Error connecting to the Facebook API: http_request_failed - cURL error 28: Operation timed out after 5001 milliseconds with 0 bytes received","frontend_directions":"

Directions on How to Resolve This Issue<\/a><\/p>","backend_directions":"Directions on How to Resolve This Issue<\/a>","post_id":false,"errorno":"wp_remote_get"} [10] => 05-11 21:03:42 - {"accesstoken":"none","public_message":"Unable to make remote requests to the Facebook API. Log in as an admin to view more details.","admin_message":"Error connecting to the Facebook API: http_request_failed - cURL error 28: Connection timed out after 5000 milliseconds","frontend_directions":"

Directions on How to Resolve This Issue<\/a><\/p>","backend_directions":"Directions on How to Resolve This Issue<\/a>","post_id":false,"errorno":"wp_remote_get"} [11] => 05-14 13:24:34 - {"accesstoken":"none","public_message":"Unable to make remote requests to the Facebook API. Log in as an admin to view more details.","admin_message":"Error connecting to the Facebook API: http_request_failed - cURL error 28: Connection timed out after 5000 milliseconds","frontend_directions":"

Directions on How to Resolve This Issue<\/a><\/p>","backend_directions":"Directions on How to Resolve This Issue<\/a>","post_id":false,"errorno":"wp_remote_get"} [12] => 04-25 06:40:33 - PPCA Error: Due to Facebook API changes it is no longer possible to display a feed from a Facebook Page you are not an admin of. Please use the button below for more information on how to fix this. ) [action_log] => Array ( [0] => 06-23 17:41:42 - Cleared connection error. [1] => 07-12 13:14:23 - Cleared connection error. [2] => 09-22 06:11:27 - Cleared connection error. [3] => 09-27 17:23:22 - Cleared connection error. [4] => 09-28 02:35:51 - Cleared connection error. [5] => 10-01 08:37:16 - Cleared connection error. [6] => 10-04 23:09:03 - Cleared connection error. [7] => 05-11 22:18:37 - Cleared connection error. [8] => 05-14 15:28:53 - Cleared connection error. [9] => 04-25 06:40:34 - Cleared connection error. ) ) [frontend_error] => [reporter_key] => cff_error_reporter [display_error] => Array ( ) ) [cff_support_tool] => CustomFacebookFeed\Admin\CFF_Support_Tool Object ( ) [cff_blocks] => CustomFacebookFeed\CFF_Blocks Object ( ) [cff_notifications] => [cff_newuser] => [cff_oembed] => CustomFacebookFeed\CFF_Oembed Object ( ) [cff_tracking] => CustomFacebookFeed\Admin\CFF_Tracking Object ( ) [cff_shortcode] => CustomFacebookFeed\CFF_Shortcode Object ( [fb_feed_settings:protected] => [atts:protected] => [options:protected] => [page_id:protected] => [access_token:protected] => [feed_id:protected] => ) [cff_sitehealth] => [cff_feed_builder] => CustomFacebookFeed\Builder\CFF_Feed_Builder Object ( ) [cff_global_settings] => CustomFacebookFeed\Admin\CFF_Global_Settings Object ( ) [cff_oembeds] => CustomFacebookFeed\Admin\CFF_oEmbeds Object ( ) [cff_about_us] => CustomFacebookFeed\Admin\CFF_About_Us Object ( ) [cff_support] => CustomFacebookFeed\Admin\CFF_Support Object ( ) [cff_tooltip_wizard] => [cff_elementor_base] => CustomFacebookFeed\CFF_Elementor_Base Object ( ) [cff_onboarding_wizard] => CustomFacebookFeed\Admin\CFF_Onboarding_Wizard Object ( ) [platform_data_manager] => CustomFacebookFeed\Platform_Data Object ( ) [cff_admin_notices] => CustomFacebookFeed\Admin\CFF_Admin_Notices Object ( ) [cff_sb_analytics] => CustomFacebookFeed\Integrations\Analytics\SB_Analytics Object ( ) ) [1] => load_textdomain ) [accepted_args] => 1 ) [0000000065975e30000000003f96eed7i18n] => Array ( [function] => Array ( [0] => WP_Embedly Object ( [embedly_options] => Array ( [active] => 1 [key] => c9e9bb2460d545fda0456171c0fdf7e4 [analytics_key] => 46b854cbe2d5415fa0cd77b11512ac3c [card_chrome] => 0 [card_controls] => 0 [card_align] => left [card_width] => [card_theme] => light [is_key_valid] => 1 [is_welcomed] => 1 ) [embedly_settings_page] => ) [1] => i18n ) [accepted_args] => 1 ) [mylinkorder_loadtranslation] => Array ( [function] => mylinkorder_loadtranslation [accepted_args] => 1 ) [SlideshowPluginMain::localize] => Array ( [function] => Array ( [0] => SlideshowPluginMain [1] => localize ) [accepted_args] => 1 ) [SlideshowPluginPostType::registerSlideshowPostType] => Array ( [function] => Array ( [0] => SlideshowPluginPostType [1] => registerSlideshowPostType ) [accepted_args] => 1 ) [stats_load_translations] => Array ( [function] => stats_load_translations [accepted_args] => 1 ) [wpeg_code_button] => Array ( [function] => wpeg_code_button [accepted_args] => 1 ) [wpGForm::ProcessGoogleForm] => Array ( [function] => Array ( [0] => wpGForm [1] => ProcessGoogleForm ) [accepted_args] => 1 ) [wpgform_register_post_types] => Array ( [function] => wpgform_register_post_types [accepted_args] => 1 ) [wpgform_init] => Array ( [function] => wpgform_init [accepted_args] => 1 ) [wywi_register_post_type] => Array ( [function] => wywi_register_post_type [accepted_args] => 1 ) [0000000065975e7f000000003f96eed7schedule_send] => Array ( [function] => Array ( [0] => CustomFacebookFeed\Admin\CFF_Tracking Object ( ) [1] => schedule_send ) [accepted_args] => 1 ) [CustomFacebookFeed\CFF_Oembed::clear_checks] => Array ( [function] => Array ( [0] => CustomFacebookFeed\CFF_Oembed [1] => clear_checks ) [accepted_args] => 1 ) [0000000065975d88000000003f96eed7register_block] => Array ( [function] => Array ( [0] => CustomFacebookFeed\CFF_Blocks Object ( ) [1] => register_block ) [accepted_args] => 1 ) [0000000065975d88000000003f96eed7register_facebook_feed_block] => Array ( [function] => Array ( [0] => CustomFacebookFeed\CFF_Blocks Object ( ) [1] => register_facebook_feed_block ) [accepted_args] => 1 ) [0000000065975e74000000003f96eed7flush_rules] => Array ( [function] => Array ( [0] => Avatars Object ( [network_top_menu] => settings.php [network_top_menu_slug] => network/settings.php [current_version] => 4.1.8 [avatars_dir:Avatars:private] => /var/www/virtual/ [user_avatar_dir] => /var/www/virtual/ [blog_avatar_dir] => /var/www/virtual/ [avatars_url:Avatars:private] => [user_avatar_url:Avatars:private] => [blog_avatar_url:Avatars:private] => [default_blog_avatar:Avatars:private] => identicon [local_default_avatar_url:Avatars:private] => [local_default_avatar_dir:Avatars:private] => [nginx:Avatars:private] => [local_default_avatar_path] => /var/www/virtual/ ) [1] => flush_rules ) [accepted_args] => 1 ) [0000000065975d46000000003f96eed7] => Array ( [function] => Closure Object ( [this] => Inpsyde\MultisiteFeed\Plugin Object ( [settings:Inpsyde\MultisiteFeed\Plugin:private] => Inpsyde\MultisiteFeed\Settings Object ( ) [cache:Inpsyde\MultisiteFeed\Plugin:private] => Inpsyde\MultisiteFeed\Cache\SiteTransientCache Object ( [expiration:Inpsyde\MultisiteFeed\Cache\SiteTransientCache:private] => 0 [group_name:Inpsyde\MultisiteFeed\Cache\IncrementorBasedCacheGroup:private] => inpsyde_multisite_feed_cache [incrementor:Inpsyde\MultisiteFeed\Cache\IncrementorBasedCacheGroup:private] => Inpsyde\MultisiteFeed\Cache\Incrementor\SiteTransientIncrementor Object ( [group_name:Inpsyde\MultisiteFeed\Cache\Incrementor\SiteTransientIncrementor:private] => inpsyde_multisite_feed_cache [incrementor_suffix:Inpsyde\MultisiteFeed\Cache\Incrementor\SiteTransientIncrementor:private] => incr ) ) [request:Inpsyde\MultisiteFeed\Plugin:private] => Inpsyde\MultisiteFeed\FeedRequestValidator Object ( [settings:Inpsyde\MultisiteFeed\FeedRequestValidator:private] => Inpsyde\MultisiteFeed\Settings Object ( ) ) ) ) [accepted_args] => 1 ) [twentysixteen_register_block_patterns] => Array ( [function] => twentysixteen_register_block_patterns [accepted_args] => 1 ) ) [20] => Array ( [register_block_core_footnotes_post_meta] => Array ( [function] => register_block_core_footnotes_post_meta [accepted_args] => 1 ) ) [21] => Array ( [register_legacy_post_comments_block] => Array ( [function] => register_legacy_post_comments_block [accepted_args] => 1 ) ) [22] => Array ( [WP_Block_Supports::init] => Array ( [function] => Array ( [0] => WP_Block_Supports [1] => init ) [accepted_args] => 1 ) ) [99] => Array ( [check_theme_switched] => Array ( [function] => check_theme_switched [accepted_args] => 1 ) ) [999] => Array ( [00000000659750bd000000003f96eed7run_request] => Array ( [function] => Array ( [0] => WPMUDEV_Dashboard_Remote Object ( [timer:protected] => 0 [current_action:protected] => [current_params:protected] => Array ( ) [actions:protected] => Array ( ) ) [1] => run_request ) [accepted_args] => 1 ) ) [9999] => Array ( [0000000065975f6a000000003f96eed7actionSetRequestOnInit] => Array ( [function] => Array ( [0] => wfLog Object ( [canLogHit] => 1 [effectiveUserID:wfLog:private] => 0 [hitsTable:wfLog:private] => wp_wfHits [apiKey:wfLog:private] => 3d0b8e5ce89093ac8c1ca01320bd6956cd53ab8c39e4edd6a004102c3e760d1001c4de69ef8aa39ce703c343770e65d63d0b19d7e6725cd29a43abb0a5f79b075751b53f552152223a7390046a43be5f [wp_version:wfLog:private] => 6.7.1 [db:wfLog:private] => [googlePattern:wfLog:private] => /\.(?:googlebot\.com|google\.[a-z]{2,3}|google\.[a-z]{2}\.[a-z]{2}|1e100\.net)$/i [loginsTable:wfLog:private] => wp_wfLogins [statusTable:wfLog:private] => wp_wfStatus [currentRequest:wfLog:private] => wfRequestModel Object ( [columns:wfRequestModel:private] => Array ( [0] => id [1] => attackLogTime [2] => ctime [3] => IP [4] => jsRun [5] => statusCode [6] => isGoogle [7] => userID [8] => URL [9] => referer [10] => UA [11] => action [12] => actionDescription [13] => actionData ) [data:wfModel:private] => Array ( [ctime] => 1737341700.231527 [statusCode] => 200 [isGoogle] => 0 [IP] => ÿÿaY [userID] => 0 [URL] => [referer] => [UA] => CCBot/2.0 ( [jsRun] => 0 ) [db:wfModel:private] => [dirty:wfModel:private] => 1 ) ) [1] => actionSetRequestOnInit ) [accepted_args] => 1 ) ) ) [priorities:protected] => Array ( [0] => 0 [1] => 1 [2] => 5 [3] => 9 [4] => 10 [5] => 20 [6] => 21 [7] => 22 [8] => 99 [9] => 999 [10] => 9999 ) [iterations:WP_Hook:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => 0 [1] => 1 [2] => 5 [3] => 9 [4] => 10 [5] => 20 [6] => 21 [7] => 22 [8] => 99 [9] => 999 [10] => 9999 ) ) [current_priority:WP_Hook:private] => Array ( [0] => 0 ) [nesting_level:WP_Hook:private] => 1 [doing_action:WP_Hook:private] => 1 )


WP_Hook Object
    [callbacks] => Array
            [-1] => Array
                    [0000000065975e74000000003f96eed7load_avatar] => Array
                            [function] => Array
                                    [0] => Avatars Object
                                            [network_top_menu] => settings.php
                                            [network_top_menu_slug] => network/settings.php
                                            [current_version] => 4.1.8
                                            [avatars_dir:Avatars:private] => /var/www/virtual/
                                            [user_avatar_dir] => /var/www/virtual/
                                            [blog_avatar_dir] => /var/www/virtual/
                                            [avatars_url:Avatars:private] =>
                                            [user_avatar_url:Avatars:private] =>
                                            [blog_avatar_url:Avatars:private] =>
                                            [default_blog_avatar:Avatars:private] => identicon
                                            [local_default_avatar_url:Avatars:private] =>
                                            [local_default_avatar_dir:Avatars:private] => 
                                            [nginx:Avatars:private] => 
                                            [local_default_avatar_path] => /var/www/virtual/

                                    [1] => load_avatar

                            [accepted_args] => 1


            [0] => Array
                    [_wp_admin_bar_init] => Array
                            [function] => _wp_admin_bar_init
                            [accepted_args] => 1


            [10] => Array
                    [wp_old_slug_redirect] => Array
                            [function] => wp_old_slug_redirect
                            [accepted_args] => 1

                    [redirect_canonical] => Array
                            [function] => redirect_canonical
                            [accepted_args] => 1

                    [maybe_redirect_404] => Array
                            [function] => maybe_redirect_404
                            [accepted_args] => 1

                    [redirect_to_mapped_domain] => Array
                            [function] => redirect_to_mapped_domain
                            [accepted_args] => 1


            [11] => Array
                    [rest_output_link_header] => Array
                            [function] => rest_output_link_header
                            [accepted_args] => 0

                    [wp_shortlink_header] => Array
                            [function] => wp_shortlink_header
                            [accepted_args] => 0


            [1000] => Array
                    [wp_redirect_admin_locations] => Array
                            [function] => wp_redirect_admin_locations
                            [accepted_args] => 1


            [1001] => Array
                    [wordfence::templateRedir] => Array
                            [function] => wordfence::templateRedir
                            [accepted_args] => 1



    [priorities:protected] => Array
            [0] => -1
            [1] => 0
            [2] => 10
            [3] => 11
            [4] => 1000
            [5] => 1001

    [iterations:WP_Hook:private] => Array

    [current_priority:WP_Hook:private] => Array

    [nesting_level:WP_Hook:private] => 0
    [doing_action:WP_Hook:private] => 

