Propera reunió del AFA – 7/abril 15:30

cropped-logo-afa.jpgBenvolgudes famílies:

Us convoquem a la propera assemblea general ordinària de l’AFA EBM La Farinera, que tindrà lloc el proper dia 7 d’Abril de 2016, a les 15:30 h, a la sala de mestres de l’EBM La Farinera, amb l’ordre del dia següent:

1. Festa Sant Jordi (valorar propostes, grup de treball, intercanvi de llibres)
2. Escola bressol estiu, seguiment. (reunió dia 12, assistència)
3. Xerrada dia 15 Abril (possibilitat de fer-la al centre cultural la Farinera)
4. Extraescolars, seguiment.
5. Novetats Comissió Antiretallades
5. Camins escolars.
6. Festa fi de curs, avançar ?
7. Lectura contes Farinera-Farigola.
8. Torn obert de paraules.


12/abril reunió informativa bressol d’estiu

Us informem que el pròxim dimarts 12 d’abril, a les 15.30, es farà una reunió informativa sobre el bressol d’estiu amb l’empresa concessionària del servei.

Us recordem també que la inscripció cal realitzar-la, a la mateixa Escola Bressol, els dies:

– 19 d’abril de 08.30 a 10.00

– 21 d’abril de 17.00 a 19.30

Les fulles d’inscripció estaran disponibles a l’escola uns dies abans. Cal portar el justificant de l’ingrés per transferència.

Podeu consultar tota la informació sobre el bressol d’estiu en aquesta pàgina del blog

Taller “l’Aventura de ser pares” al CAP Clot

La aventura de ser padresL’Equip de Pediatria de la Línia Pediàtrica El Clot-Sant Martí ha organitzat un taller grupal sobre la criança de les nostres filles i fills. El taller no pretén ser un grup terapéutic, ni consistirà en xerrades d’experts. Es tracta d’un espai de trobada per a les famílies que pretén ser una eina que ajudi al maneig de situacions quotidianes amb els fills i filles.

El taller començarà el proper dimecres 6 d’abril a les 15:15, i constarà d’onze session de 1 hora i mitja de durada.

Més informació:
Díptic (castellano)
Díptic (català)

Un projecte de:
Forma part de:
En col·laboració amb: - Entitats i voluntaris per un món millor


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WP_Hook Object
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                                                                                    [error] => Array
                                                                                            [message] => (#10) To use 'Page Public Content Access', your use of this endpoint must be reviewed and approved by Facebook. To submit this 'Page Public Content Access' feature for review please read our documentation on reviewable features:
                                                                                            [type] => OAuthException
                                                                                            [code] => 10
                                                                                            [fbtrace_id] => AIWSk8I2a4za8AeZivGntjR

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                                                            [error_log] => Array
                                                                    [3] => 09-27 16:20:13 - {"accesstoken":"none","public_message":"Unable to make remote requests to the Facebook API. Log in as an admin to view more details.","admin_message":"Error connecting to the Facebook API:  http_request_failed - cURL error 28: Connection timed out after 5000 milliseconds","frontend_directions":"

Directions on How to Resolve This Issue<\/a><\/p>","backend_directions":"Directions on How to Resolve This Issue<\/a>","post_id":false,"errorno":"wp_remote_get"} [4] => 09-28 01:13:10 - {"accesstoken":"none","public_message":"Unable to make remote requests to the Facebook API. Log in as an admin to view more details.","admin_message":"Error connecting to the Facebook API: http_request_failed - cURL error 28: Connection timed out after 5000 milliseconds","frontend_directions":"

Directions on How to Resolve This Issue<\/a><\/p>","backend_directions":"Directions on How to Resolve This Issue<\/a>","post_id":18,"errorno":"wp_remote_get"} [5] => 10-01 07:37:08 - {"accesstoken":"none","public_message":"Unable to make remote requests to the Facebook API. Log in as an admin to view more details.","admin_message":"Error connecting to the Facebook API: http_request_failed - cURL error 28: Connection timed out after 5000 milliseconds","frontend_directions":"

Directions on How to Resolve This Issue<\/a><\/p>","backend_directions":"Directions on How to Resolve This Issue<\/a>","post_id":873,"errorno":"wp_remote_get"} [6] => 10-04 18:06:40 - {"accesstoken":"none","public_message":"Unable to make remote requests to the Facebook API. Log in as an admin to view more details.","admin_message":"Error connecting to the Facebook API: http_request_failed - cURL error 6: Could not resolve host:","frontend_directions":"

Directions on How to Resolve This Issue<\/a><\/p>","backend_directions":"Directions on How to Resolve This Issue<\/a>","post_id":false,"errorno":"wp_remote_get"} [7] => 10-04 19:18:28 - {"accesstoken":"none","public_message":"Unable to make remote requests to the Facebook API. Log in as an admin to view more details.","admin_message":"Error connecting to the Facebook API: http_request_failed - cURL error 6: Could not resolve host:","frontend_directions":"

Directions on How to Resolve This Issue<\/a><\/p>","backend_directions":"Directions on How to Resolve This Issue<\/a>","post_id":518,"errorno":"wp_remote_get"} [8] => 10-04 20:30:09 - {"accesstoken":"none","public_message":"Unable to make remote requests to the Facebook API. Log in as an admin to view more details.","admin_message":"Error connecting to the Facebook API: http_request_failed - cURL error 6: Could not resolve host:","frontend_directions":"

Directions on How to Resolve This Issue<\/a><\/p>","backend_directions":"Directions on How to Resolve This Issue<\/a>","post_id":false,"errorno":"wp_remote_get"} [9] => 10-04 21:46:27 - {"accesstoken":"none","public_message":"Unable to make remote requests to the Facebook API. Log in as an admin to view more details.","admin_message":"Error connecting to the Facebook API: http_request_failed - cURL error 28: Operation timed out after 5001 milliseconds with 0 bytes received","frontend_directions":"

Directions on How to Resolve This Issue<\/a><\/p>","backend_directions":"Directions on How to Resolve This Issue<\/a>","post_id":false,"errorno":"wp_remote_get"} [10] => 05-11 21:03:42 - {"accesstoken":"none","public_message":"Unable to make remote requests to the Facebook API. Log in as an admin to view more details.","admin_message":"Error connecting to the Facebook API: http_request_failed - cURL error 28: Connection timed out after 5000 milliseconds","frontend_directions":"

Directions on How to Resolve This Issue<\/a><\/p>","backend_directions":"Directions on How to Resolve This Issue<\/a>","post_id":false,"errorno":"wp_remote_get"} [11] => 05-14 13:24:34 - {"accesstoken":"none","public_message":"Unable to make remote requests to the Facebook API. Log in as an admin to view more details.","admin_message":"Error connecting to the Facebook API: http_request_failed - cURL error 28: Connection timed out after 5000 milliseconds","frontend_directions":"

Directions on How to Resolve This Issue<\/a><\/p>","backend_directions":"Directions on How to Resolve This Issue<\/a>","post_id":false,"errorno":"wp_remote_get"} [12] => 04-25 06:40:33 - PPCA Error: Due to Facebook API changes it is no longer possible to display a feed from a Facebook Page you are not an admin of. Please use the button below for more information on how to fix this. ) [action_log] => Array ( [0] => 06-23 17:41:42 - Cleared connection error. [1] => 07-12 13:14:23 - Cleared connection error. [2] => 09-22 06:11:27 - Cleared connection error. [3] => 09-27 17:23:22 - Cleared connection error. [4] => 09-28 02:35:51 - Cleared connection error. [5] => 10-01 08:37:16 - Cleared connection error. [6] => 10-04 23:09:03 - Cleared connection error. [7] => 05-11 22:18:37 - Cleared connection error. [8] => 05-14 15:28:53 - Cleared connection error. [9] => 04-25 06:40:34 - Cleared connection error. ) ) [frontend_error] => [reporter_key] => cff_error_reporter [display_error] => Array ( ) ) [cff_support_tool] => CustomFacebookFeed\Admin\CFF_Support_Tool Object ( ) [cff_blocks] => CustomFacebookFeed\CFF_Blocks Object ( ) [cff_notifications] => [cff_newuser] => [cff_oembed] => CustomFacebookFeed\CFF_Oembed Object ( ) [cff_tracking] => CustomFacebookFeed\Admin\CFF_Tracking Object ( ) [cff_shortcode] => CustomFacebookFeed\CFF_Shortcode Object ( [fb_feed_settings:protected] => [atts:protected] => [options:protected] => [page_id:protected] => [access_token:protected] => [feed_id:protected] => ) [cff_sitehealth] => [cff_feed_builder] => CustomFacebookFeed\Builder\CFF_Feed_Builder Object ( ) [cff_global_settings] => CustomFacebookFeed\Admin\CFF_Global_Settings Object ( ) [cff_oembeds] => CustomFacebookFeed\Admin\CFF_oEmbeds Object ( ) [cff_about_us] => CustomFacebookFeed\Admin\CFF_About_Us Object ( ) [cff_support] => CustomFacebookFeed\Admin\CFF_Support Object ( ) [cff_tooltip_wizard] => [cff_elementor_base] => CustomFacebookFeed\CFF_Elementor_Base Object ( ) [cff_onboarding_wizard] => CustomFacebookFeed\Admin\CFF_Onboarding_Wizard Object ( ) [platform_data_manager] => CustomFacebookFeed\Platform_Data Object ( ) ) [1] => init ) [accepted_args] => 1 ) [wpgform_debug] => Array ( [function] => wpgform_debug [accepted_args] => 1 ) ) [1] => Array ( [wp_widgets_init] => Array ( [function] => wp_widgets_init [accepted_args] => 1 ) [000000005c4b305e0000000065c6b60bga_init] => Array ( [function] => Array ( [0] => Basic_Google_Apps_Login Object ( [plugin_version:protected] => 3.4.5 [newcookievalue:protected] => [done_include_path:Core_Google_Apps_Login:private] => [_final_redirect:protected] => [allowed_redirect_hosts:protected] => Array ( ) [ga_options:protected] => [ga_sa_options:protected] => ) [1] => ga_init ) [accepted_args] => 1 ) [000000005c4b37530000000065c6b60b_validate_role_sync_cron] => Array ( 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=> register_block_core_social_link [accepted_args] => 1 ) [register_block_core_tag_cloud] => Array ( [function] => register_block_core_tag_cloud [accepted_args] => 1 ) [register_block_core_template_part] => Array ( [function] => register_block_core_template_part [accepted_args] => 1 ) [register_block_core_term_description] => Array ( [function] => register_block_core_term_description [accepted_args] => 1 ) [register_core_block_types_from_metadata] => Array ( [function] => register_core_block_types_from_metadata [accepted_args] => 1 ) [_register_theme_block_patterns] => Array ( [function] => _register_theme_block_patterns [accepted_args] => 1 ) [ms_subdomain_constants] => Array ( [function] => ms_subdomain_constants [accepted_args] => 1 ) [maybe_add_existing_user_to_blog] => Array ( [function] => maybe_add_existing_user_to_blog [accepted_args] => 1 ) [admin_ads_init] => Array ( [function] => admin_ads_init [accepted_args] => 1 ) [000000005c4b36150000000065c6b60binit] => Array ( [function] => Array ( [0] => WPMUDEV_Dashboard_Notice4 Object ( [version] => 4.2 [screen_id] => [product_name] => [product_update] => [theme_pack] => 128 [server_url] => [update_count] => 0 ) [1] => init ) [accepted_args] => 1 ) [000000005c4b361a0000000065c6b60bmaybe_upgrade] => Array ( [function] => Array ( [0] => Avatars Object ( [network_top_menu] => settings.php [network_top_menu_slug] => network/settings.php [current_version] => 4.1.8 [avatars_dir:Avatars:private] => /var/www/virtual/ [user_avatar_dir] => /var/www/virtual/ [blog_avatar_dir] => /var/www/virtual/ [avatars_url:Avatars:private] => [user_avatar_url:Avatars:private] => [blog_avatar_url:Avatars:private] => [default_blog_avatar:Avatars:private] => identicon [local_default_avatar_url:Avatars:private] => [local_default_avatar_dir:Avatars:private] => [nginx:Avatars:private] => [local_default_avatar_path] => /var/www/virtual/ ) [1] => maybe_upgrade ) [accepted_args] => 1 ) [000000005c4b361a0000000065c6b60bload_textdomain] => Array ( [function] => Array ( [0] => Avatars Object ( [network_top_menu] => settings.php [network_top_menu_slug] => network/settings.php [current_version] => 4.1.8 [avatars_dir:Avatars:private] => /var/www/virtual/ [user_avatar_dir] => /var/www/virtual/ [blog_avatar_dir] => /var/www/virtual/ [avatars_url:Avatars:private] => [user_avatar_url:Avatars:private] => [blog_avatar_url:Avatars:private] => [default_blog_avatar:Avatars:private] => identicon [local_default_avatar_url:Avatars:private] => [local_default_avatar_dir:Avatars:private] => [nginx:Avatars:private] => [local_default_avatar_path] => /var/www/virtual/ ) [1] => load_textdomain ) [accepted_args] => 1 ) [000000005c4b30570000000065c6b60bload_i18n] => Array ( [function] => Array ( [0] => DisableGutenberg Object ( ) [1] => load_i18n ) [accepted_args] => 1 ) [global_footer_content_init] => Array ( [function] => global_footer_content_init [accepted_args] => 1 ) [000000005c4b31a90000000065c6b60bsession_start] => Array ( [function] => Array ( [0] => ThemeTweaker Object ( [prefix] => themeTweaker [slug] => theme-tweaker [name] => Theme Tweaker [plgDir] => /var/www/virtual/ [plgURL] => [plgFile] => /var/www/virtual/ [adminMsg] => [ezAdmin] => [myPlugins] => [isPro] => [strPro] => Lite [optionName] => themeTweakertwentysixteen [options] => Array ( [oldColors] => Array ( ) [newColors] => Array ( ) [preview] => 1 [activate] => [kill_footer] => 1 [fullCSS] => [trimmedCSS] => [kill_author] => ) [ezOptions] => Array ( ) [lang] => ) [1] => session_start ) [accepted_args] => 1 ) [000000005c4b37690000000065c6b60b_wordpress_init] => Array ( [function] => Array ( [0] => WordfenceLS\Controller_WordfenceLS Object ( [management_assets_registered:WordfenceLS\Controller_WordfenceLS:private] => [management_assets_enqueued:WordfenceLS\Controller_WordfenceLS:private] => [use_core_font_awesome_styles:WordfenceLS\Controller_WordfenceLS:private] => ) [1] => _wordpress_init ) [accepted_args] => 1 ) [wordfence::initAction] => Array ( [function] => wordfence::initAction [accepted_args] => 1 ) [dm_text_domain] => Array ( [function] => dm_text_domain [accepted_args] => 1 ) [000000005c4b301a0000000065c6b60bsetup_branding] => Array ( [function] => Array ( [0] => WPMUDEV_Dashboard_Ui Object ( [page_urls] => WPMUDEV_Dashboard_Sui_Page_Urls Object ( [dashboard_url] => [settings_url] => [plugins_url] => [support_url] => [tools_url] => [remote_site] => [external_support_url] => [hub_url] => [hub_url_old] => [documentation_url] => Array ( [dashboard] => [plugins] => [support] => [analytics] => [whitelabel] => [settings] => ) [community_url] => [academy_url] => [hub_account_url] => [trial_url] => [real_support_url] => [themes_url] => [whip_url] => [blog_url] => [roadmap_url] => [analytics_url] => [whitelabel_url] => [skip_trial_url] => ) ) [1] => setup_branding ) [accepted_args] => 1 ) [cff_check_custom_css] => Array ( [function] => cff_check_custom_css [accepted_args] => 1 ) [000000005c4b37200000000065c6b60bi18n] => Array ( [function] => Array ( [0] => WP_Embedly Object ( [embedly_options] => Array ( [active] => 1 [key] => c9e9bb2460d545fda0456171c0fdf7e4 [analytics_key] => 46b854cbe2d5415fa0cd77b11512ac3c [card_chrome] => 0 [card_controls] => 0 [card_align] => left [card_width] => [card_theme] => light [is_key_valid] => 1 [is_welcomed] => 1 ) [embedly_settings_page] => ) [1] => i18n ) [accepted_args] => 1 ) [mylinkorder_loadtranslation] => Array ( [function] => mylinkorder_loadtranslation [accepted_args] => 1 ) [SlideshowPluginMain::localize] => Array ( [function] => Array ( [0] => SlideshowPluginMain [1] => localize ) [accepted_args] => 1 ) [SlideshowPluginPostType::registerSlideshowPostType] => Array ( [function] => Array ( [0] => SlideshowPluginPostType [1] => registerSlideshowPostType ) [accepted_args] => 1 ) [stats_load_translations] => Array ( [function] => stats_load_translations [accepted_args] => 1 ) [wpeg_code_button] => Array ( [function] => wpeg_code_button [accepted_args] => 1 ) [wpGForm::ProcessGoogleForm] => Array ( [function] => Array ( [0] => wpGForm [1] => ProcessGoogleForm ) [accepted_args] => 1 ) [wpgform_register_post_types] => Array ( [function] => wpgform_register_post_types [accepted_args] => 1 ) [wpgform_init] => Array ( [function] => wpgform_init [accepted_args] => 1 ) [wywi_register_post_type] => Array ( [function] => wywi_register_post_type [accepted_args] => 1 ) [000000005c4b361a0000000065c6b60bflush_rules] => Array ( [function] => Array ( [0] => Avatars Object ( [network_top_menu] => settings.php [network_top_menu_slug] => network/settings.php [current_version] => 4.1.8 [avatars_dir:Avatars:private] => /var/www/virtual/ [user_avatar_dir] => /var/www/virtual/ [blog_avatar_dir] => /var/www/virtual/ [avatars_url:Avatars:private] => [user_avatar_url:Avatars:private] => [blog_avatar_url:Avatars:private] => [default_blog_avatar:Avatars:private] => identicon [local_default_avatar_url:Avatars:private] => [local_default_avatar_dir:Avatars:private] => [nginx:Avatars:private] => [local_default_avatar_path] => /var/www/virtual/ ) [1] => flush_rules ) [accepted_args] => 1 ) [000000005c4b378c0000000065c6b60b] => Array ( [function] => Closure Object ( [this] => Inpsyde\MultisiteFeed\Plugin Object ( [settings:Inpsyde\MultisiteFeed\Plugin:private] => Inpsyde\MultisiteFeed\Settings Object ( ) [cache:Inpsyde\MultisiteFeed\Plugin:private] => Inpsyde\MultisiteFeed\Cache\SiteTransientCache Object ( [expiration:Inpsyde\MultisiteFeed\Cache\SiteTransientCache:private] => 0 [group_name:Inpsyde\MultisiteFeed\Cache\IncrementorBasedCacheGroup:private] => inpsyde_multisite_feed_cache [incrementor:Inpsyde\MultisiteFeed\Cache\IncrementorBasedCacheGroup:private] => Inpsyde\MultisiteFeed\Cache\Incrementor\SiteTransientIncrementor Object ( [group_name:Inpsyde\MultisiteFeed\Cache\Incrementor\SiteTransientIncrementor:private] => inpsyde_multisite_feed_cache [incrementor_suffix:Inpsyde\MultisiteFeed\Cache\Incrementor\SiteTransientIncrementor:private] => incr ) ) [request:Inpsyde\MultisiteFeed\Plugin:private] => Inpsyde\MultisiteFeed\FeedRequestValidator Object ( [settings:Inpsyde\MultisiteFeed\FeedRequestValidator:private] => Inpsyde\MultisiteFeed\Settings Object ( ) ) ) ) [accepted_args] => 1 ) [000000005c4b30400000000065c6b60bschedule_send] => Array ( [function] => Array ( [0] => CustomFacebookFeed\Admin\CFF_Tracking Object ( ) [1] => schedule_send ) [accepted_args] => 1 ) [000000005c4b273b0000000065c6b60bregister_block] => Array ( [function] => Array ( [0] => CustomFacebookFeed\CFF_Blocks Object ( ) [1] => register_block ) [accepted_args] => 1 ) [000000005c4b273b0000000065c6b60bregister_facebook_feed_block] => Array ( [function] => Array ( [0] => CustomFacebookFeed\CFF_Blocks Object ( ) [1] => register_facebook_feed_block ) [accepted_args] => 1 ) ) [21] => Array ( [register_legacy_post_comments_block] => Array ( [function] => register_legacy_post_comments_block [accepted_args] => 1 ) ) [22] => Array ( [WP_Block_Supports::init] => Array ( [function] => Array ( [0] => WP_Block_Supports [1] => init ) [accepted_args] => 1 ) ) [99] => Array ( [check_theme_switched] => Array ( [function] => check_theme_switched [accepted_args] => 1 ) ) [999] => Array ( [000000005c4b30390000000065c6b60brun_request] => Array ( [function] => Array ( [0] => WPMUDEV_Dashboard_Remote Object ( [timer:protected] => 0 [current_action:protected] => [current_params:protected] => Array ( ) [actions:protected] => Array ( ) ) [1] => run_request ) [accepted_args] => 1 ) ) [9999] => Array ( [000000005c4b30bc0000000065c6b60bactionSetRequestOnInit] => Array ( [function] => Array ( [0] => wfLog Object ( [canLogHit] => 1 [effectiveUserID:wfLog:private] => 0 [hitsTable:wfLog:private] => wp_wfHits [apiKey:wfLog:private] => 3d0b8e5ce89093ac8c1ca01320bd6956cd53ab8c39e4edd6a004102c3e760d1001c4de69ef8aa39ce703c343770e65d63d0b19d7e6725cd29a43abb0a5f79b075751b53f552152223a7390046a43be5f [wp_version:wfLog:private] => 6.4.3 [db:wfLog:private] => [googlePattern:wfLog:private] => /\.(?:googlebot\.com|google\.[a-z]{2,3}|google\.[a-z]{2}\.[a-z]{2}|1e100\.net)$/i [loginsTable:wfLog:private] => wp_wfLogins [statusTable:wfLog:private] => wp_wfStatus [currentRequest:wfLog:private] => wfRequestModel Object ( [columns:wfRequestModel:private] => Array ( [0] => id [1] => attackLogTime [2] => ctime [3] => IP [4] => jsRun [5] => statusCode [6] => isGoogle [7] => userID [8] => URL [9] => referer [10] => UA [11] => action [12] => actionDescription [13] => actionData ) [data:wfModel:private] => Array ( [ctime] => 1714179662.994232 [statusCode] => 200 [isGoogle] => 0 [IP] => ÿÿ¿Xù [userID] => 0 [URL] => [referer] => [UA] => Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; [jsRun] => 0 ) [db:wfModel:private] => [dirty:wfModel:private] => 1 ) ) [1] => actionSetRequestOnInit ) [accepted_args] => 1 ) ) ) [priorities:protected] => Array ( [0] => 0 [1] => 1 [2] => 5 [3] => 9 [4] => 10 [5] => 21 [6] => 22 [7] => 99 [8] => 999 [9] => 9999 ) [iterations:WP_Hook:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => 0 [1] => 1 [2] => 5 [3] => 9 [4] => 10 [5] => 21 [6] => 22 [7] => 99 [8] => 999 [9] => 9999 ) ) [current_priority:WP_Hook:private] => Array ( [0] => 0 ) [nesting_level:WP_Hook:private] => 1 [doing_action:WP_Hook:private] => 1 )


WP_Hook Object
    [callbacks] => Array
            [-1] => Array
                    [000000005c4b361a0000000065c6b60bload_avatar] => Array
                            [function] => Array
                                    [0] => Avatars Object
                                            [network_top_menu] => settings.php
                                            [network_top_menu_slug] => network/settings.php
                                            [current_version] => 4.1.8
                                            [avatars_dir:Avatars:private] => /var/www/virtual/
                                            [user_avatar_dir] => /var/www/virtual/
                                            [blog_avatar_dir] => /var/www/virtual/
                                            [avatars_url:Avatars:private] =>
                                            [user_avatar_url:Avatars:private] =>
                                            [blog_avatar_url:Avatars:private] =>
                                            [default_blog_avatar:Avatars:private] => identicon
                                            [local_default_avatar_url:Avatars:private] =>
                                            [local_default_avatar_dir:Avatars:private] => 
                                            [nginx:Avatars:private] => 
                                            [local_default_avatar_path] => /var/www/virtual/

                                    [1] => load_avatar

                            [accepted_args] => 1


            [0] => Array
                    [_wp_admin_bar_init] => Array
                            [function] => _wp_admin_bar_init
                            [accepted_args] => 1


            [10] => Array
                    [wp_old_slug_redirect] => Array
                            [function] => wp_old_slug_redirect
                            [accepted_args] => 1

                    [redirect_canonical] => Array
                            [function] => redirect_canonical
                            [accepted_args] => 1

                    [maybe_redirect_404] => Array
                            [function] => maybe_redirect_404
                            [accepted_args] => 1

                    [redirect_to_mapped_domain] => Array
                            [function] => redirect_to_mapped_domain
                            [accepted_args] => 1


            [11] => Array
                    [rest_output_link_header] => Array
                            [function] => rest_output_link_header
                            [accepted_args] => 0

                    [wp_shortlink_header] => Array
                            [function] => wp_shortlink_header
                            [accepted_args] => 0


            [1000] => Array
                    [wp_redirect_admin_locations] => Array
                            [function] => wp_redirect_admin_locations
                            [accepted_args] => 1


            [1001] => Array
                    [wordfence::templateRedir] => Array
                            [function] => wordfence::templateRedir
                            [accepted_args] => 1



    [priorities:protected] => Array
            [0] => -1
            [1] => 0
            [2] => 10
            [3] => 11
            [4] => 1000
            [5] => 1001

    [iterations:WP_Hook:private] => Array

    [current_priority:WP_Hook:private] => Array

    [nesting_level:WP_Hook:private] => 0
    [doing_action:WP_Hook:private] => 

