Els home… holiday!!!

Every year around this time children and young households association ASPASIM prepare for a well deserved holiday, after an intense year of school, IES or workshop.

From Oratge offer the residents of each floor an outlet for Catalonia, accessible and tailored to the support needs of eachPalm trees boys, But while guaranteeing a space inclusive as possible and tailored to your needs. Being from small groups can move more easily and are convinced that promotes social awareness.

This summer we opted for different parts of the coast, where happy with beach and pool nearby, and so spent the better heat. Besides the accommodation in hostels will meet other tourists while outings and trips around, in the area of ​​Vilanova and Cabrera de Mar.

The smaller parks and playgrounds look while also taking advantage of young adolescents and nights to go out for a drink or dance…. as they please. And although we in the colonies and in space as enriching esplais we know that in this case we talk about holidays, not houses, colonies… so do not start a program upon a time but the less Leisure addressed possible…



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