Home » General » Joves OnAir: of 28/01 al 3/02

Joves OnAir: of 28/01 al 3/02

Mireia informs us of activities to be held this week Couple Joves.

Saturday 2 febrer PROJECT Matrix Saga al Casal de Joves Vandellòs.

Places are still available for the’Young skiing, so who wants to come with us please come to any of the youth center to make registration.

Registration now open for Makeup Workshop Special Carnival to be held on 9 febrer al Casal de l'Hospitalet de Joves at 16h.

New Youth Information Service: The first Monday of every month at the second break time for the INS Berenguer Entenza.

If you receive Electronic Journal of Youth envia'ns an email to: joventut@vandellos-hospitalet.cat

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