Mulla’t per l’esclerosi múltiple

El passat diumenge día 14 de juliol l’ADF va participar al Mulla’t per l’esclerosi múltiple al Complex de Piscines durant el matí fent la recepció de les persones i col·laborant amb la iniciativa. Van participar a la jornada un total de 109 persones i es van recaptar 370 €.

Sortida de l’ADF

El passat dijous dia 16 de maig es va realitzar la sortida anual de l’ADF i alguns membres de l’associació, conjuntament amb alguns usuaris de la residència Can Llovera, voluntaris i persones de l’ajuntament, entre elles la regidora de persones amb discapacitat, vam fer una visita al Museu Marítim de Barcelona. Després de la visita vam fer un dinar de germanor al restaurant del museu mateix, que va estar molt bé. Finalment vam fer una volta pel Port Vell de Barcelona a l’espera del transport de tornada. En general tot va anar perfecte!

La nostra companya Lourdes Galán de l’ADF, organitza un esmorzar solidari per l’Eslerosi Múltiple.

No dubteu a compartir el cartell i recalcar que es pot participar des de la filera zero amb una aportació econòmica per Bizum.

I don't have 2023

Last Sunday 9 of July the ADF participated, as it does every year, Get wet for Multiple Sclerosis in the swimming pool of El Complex.

These are the overall results of the day:

Slaughterhouse pool:

36.900 metres, 58 participants, 303 participants 12 h, material collection 328 €

Swimming pool of the Complex:

100.032 metres, 102 participants, material collection 504 €, donations 8.20 €

Total 840,20 €

Political debate on disability in Sant Feliu 28/04/2023

THE ELECTORAL BOARD GIVES US THE REASON: The political debate on disability in Sant Feliu is still ongoing!

The ADF continues to collaborate with Ràdio Sant Feliu

This year 2023 the association is integrated into the weekly gathering “Long live Sant Feliu” which is broadcast every Thursday at 11:30 and deals with different topics of interest to Sant Feliu.

Ràdio Sant Feliu organized the Friday 13 in January at the Casal de Joves a meeting of all the radio's collaborators where our representatives participated, Josep Xarau and Gustavo Leo.

Acts of the ADF for Disability Week 2022

1- Act on road safety that took place on Friday 25 of November in the morning aimed at students from certain schools in Sant Feliu. Made in collaboration with the Urban Guard of Sant Feliu de Llobregat and the Guttmann Institute.

2- Event that took place on Tuesday 29 from November to 18:30 at Les Tovalloles Civic Centre. The event consisted of a talk on the importance of physiotherapy in disability by Andrea Mugnaini, physiotherapist and osteopath. At the end of the talk there was a peck.

ADF floral offering for the Day

Sant Feliu has celebrated the institutional event of the National Day of Catalonia in Plaça de Lluís Companys.