Category Archives: General

El passat 6 died March ADF President Antonio Bayona Carrion

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Activity of’ ADF week of disability

Conf. ADF 2013 006El dia passat 2 December l’ ADF carries on business the week of disability, consisting of a talk on "The cuts today as we afectan and future perspectives" by William Anthony president of ECOM, held in Torre del Roser, Antony break down the economic situation we are in at the moment, where it was found that the ight-isolated administrations efectuan with reference to disabled, no sen d the futur’ The most favorable, fear to the public commented on the talk, gaudint d’ un refrigeri.

Conf. ADF 2013 003Conf. ADF 2013 002Conf. ADF 2013 005Pictures of the public who attended the xe-rrada and the’ ul-tima photo Antoni Guillem ( president of Ecom), the Merce Soler (technique of ajuntament) the Antoni Carrión (president of the’ ADF).

Partit d’ wheelchair hockey

DSC00332The day 24 Nov celebrates Pavilion Andrei Xepkin Sant Feliu activity of promocial’ Hockey electrical wheelchair, FCEDC and organized by Association’ Initiatives Bread ralimpiques, with the collaboration of’ Physically Handicapped Association of Sant Feliu de Llobregat and’ City. For the first time performed this activity in our town, within days of disability.

In the first part of the Catalan wheelchair hockey training was relitzar, while the assistants wheelchair and a handicapped van Tenin pugue expensive sport practiced. The second part of the Catalan team was to face’ team of ABD Barbera del Valles, with the result 16 a 19 Selection for Catalan.

partido jockey 014 partido jockey 039 partido jockey 052

XXIII Fall Conference for Women

The 23 November within XXIII Fall Conference for Women, was held in the auditorium of the Palace Fern, Sant Feliu de Llobregat, the show "I fly" composed verses, musica i dansa, where our creative partner Mercedes Losada and actress of’ show, interpreted in conjunction with "Women Voice", receiving a standing ovation from the audience who attended, by the’ ADF attended Mary Love and Antonio Carrión.

vull volar 1Vull volar Pictures of the show "I fly" made by Made in Sant Feliu.

11 September wreath on the Day of Catalonia

In plujós day is celebrated l’ amb floral Ofrena motiu the National Day of Catalonia, els representants each entitat realitzan l’ delivery of the monument sota els flors aplaudiments de les persones that assisteixen altres to’ act, in depiction of l’ ADF partner nostra Maria Amor realitza l’ delivery of a ram flors. Després is-tat has torn the Consistori the encapçalat per l’ Mayor and municipal groups spokespersons. In the end it has procedint cant the Reapers. The acte will end in parlament breu per part of l’ Mayor agraint to totes them per la seva presence entitas.

Get wet and browsing multiple sclerosis 2013

Sunday was held at the Plunge pools Com-plex and the Municipal Pools of piscine’ Escorxador will go on to 337 people to swim 331.009 meters and a collection of 809,16 € for the sale of products related to bathroom ( to-vallola, drivers, samarretas etc ) and donations.

The’ staged the story of the day 321 people were lan-ened simultàniment the water in the pool of’ Slaughterhouse to participate in the record which is held every year.

Some residents of the residence Can Llovera and partners ADF meters were helped by them, Dante Complex monitors and caretakers of the home-ing could contribute their bit to increase the meter swum to.

Residents Can Llovera : Manolo Sparrowhawk, Guillermo Gar-cia i Jauma Mi-tjan.

Check out the Temple of the Sagrada Familia

El dia passat 6 June was the annual output of’ ADF to Temple of the Sagrada Family, Visit Lourdes was managed by Sancho, getting free tickets to the guide included, which gave us a very wide explanation of the Temple, to start the crypt, to continue the facade of the passion, Temple, and the front end Neixament, after two hours of explanation, We can say we have a broad mind of knowing Templo de la Sagrada Familia.

After going to sell lunch at The Porches, in front of the Sagrada Familia, Lunch menu was, to end the coffee table and on, for the 17 hours, to be sold out by the’ Avinguda Gaudi, we sell goes to a terrace to eat some ice cream, making time to come to the bus to return to Sant Feliu de Llobregat.

Lourdes i Ana



Participants in the’ excursion were serJosep Xarau, Antoni Carrion, María Amor Giganto, Teresa Rivero, Balbina Espinosa, Jordi Dam, Moises Moro, Ana Mulero, Lourdes Sancho, Chari Martínez, Agustí Vila, Soler Mercé, Josep Maria Blanch, Mercedes Losada i Peoi Carmona.

In 19 hours we reached the square’ Sant Feliu station where he finished the’ tour, until now’ good year, he said to go to Catalonia in Miniature, the’ organization also gets to work for that’ year can either go to the requested destination.

Opening of the’ St. Michael School Workshop

The day 1 June was inaugurated the’ Vocational School St. Michael the different authorities and the Government’ City, speeches were made in a sunny day, attend public was very, by the’ ADF va watch Josep Xarau, Ramón Antonio Gisbert the Carrión, Director of’ school taught us the magnificent facilities ( wooden room, sala de gardening, sin d’ ordina– dors, la sala d’ study, dining room and kitchen ), everything that students can study it desemvolupar their best possible.

During by the way’ Instalacions, detect some anomalies for wheelchairs, Portas de las Camera bathrooms are a bit narrow and the courtyard is the only gravel, that allows mobility, the wheelchair.

Sotida The courtyard is a metal ramp, has holes, that use a cane, can be slipped through a hole and have a fright.


Spring Festival 2013

On 10,11 i 12 May was celebrated festivals in spring, with’ exhibition of roses in different categories, stands of different food products and other commercial papers.

The good weather encouraged a representative of the Association of Physically Handicapped Sant Feliu wander the streets, Visitanos trade stands and Fern Palace where the capacity estaba INTAL’ exhibition of roses, habitat roses of all colors and different sizes, els ikebanas, bonsai and photographs related to roses.

Photos of’ exhibition of roses.

Check the Sagrada Familia

The Holy FamilyThe’ association is working on the annual output this year will be the next day 6 juni of the Holy Family will visit the temple for about an hour and then go eat a restorant around hoping that you decide to come to enjoy a different day.