Category Archives: General

Out of the ADF in Catalonia in Miniature

Several members of the ADF went on a nice day during the visit “Catalunya en Miniatura” organized by the association and with the support of the Board of Disabled Persons in Sant Feliu de Llobregat.2014 Cat Mini 076 2014 Cat Mini 003 2014 Cat Mini 016 2014 Cat Mini 022 2014 Cat Mini 023 2014 Cat Mini 033 2014 Cat Mini 035 2014 Cat Mini 032 2014 Cat Mini 036 2014 Cat Mini 039 2014 Cat Mini 044 2014 Cat Mini 063 2014 Cat Mini 068 2014 Cat Mini 071 2014 Cat Mini 072

L’ADF a l’acte d’inauguració del Centre Cívic de les Tovalloles

Varis membres de l’ADF hi van ser presents. L’ADF ha sol·licitat un espai en aquest nou espai del poble.


Imatge treta de Fet a Sant Feliu

The ADF is participating in this year's wreath 2014



People dependent



People in situations of dependency

  • Resolution 31 July 2014, the Ministry of Social Services and Equality, Agreement amending the Territorial Council of Social Services and the System for Autonomy and Care for Dependency is published, on the criteria for determining the content of service promoting personal autonomy to those recognized in situations of dependency in degree II and III, and the annual assessment for the year 2013 the results of application of the Law 39/2006, de 14 December, Promotion of Personal Autonomy and care for people in situations of dependency.

The ADF shares the following information that we think may be of interest

The Associció ParaOlímpiques Initiatives and the Sports Club Catalonia, join forces to launch the first school hockey electric wheelchair in Spain.
This school will be located on the premises of “lasoci”, Barcelona, Search Round Up.
They may be part of this school anyone on electric wheelchairs who wish to do so you just need to get in touch with us via internal mail or write to aip.esports2013 @ and tell them all.
The school will give the opportunity to attend two sessions of two hours each or just one of them.
The days and times, be:
Mars 11 a 13
Thursday 16 a 18
The course will begin in October 2014.
We remain at your disposal.
Thank you for sharing the information to as many people as possible.
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Wet for Multiple Sclerosis

This past Sunday 13 July several members of the ADF who participated in Sant Feliu events organized in the framework of the campaign wet for Multiple Sclerosis.

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The event took place in the two pools of people, Pool Slaughterhouse and Municipal Complex swimming pool where there was the ADF.

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The numerical day of the Plunge 2014 these are in Sant Feliu:

Municipal Complex Swimming

Participants : 154

Meters swum : 141.810

Total collection of material: 528 €

Total revenue from donations : 59’40 €

Total revenue pool : 587,40 €

Swimming in the Slaughterhouse

Participants :163

Meters swum : 232.050

Total collection of material : 298 €

Total revenue from donations : 4’10 €

Total revenue pool : 302 ,10 €

In addition, total 293 people were thrown simultaneously at 12h to water in the pool the slaughterhouse to participate in the record which is held every year.

Global data Sant Feliu

Participants ; 317 people.

Meters swum : 373.860 metres.

Collection : 889,50 €

293 people jumping simultaneously in the water to pool the Slaughterhouse.


Signing of agreements 2014

El dia passat 9 of juliol 2014 the Fern Room of the Palace Asturias signed the agreement 2014 concerning the aid granted to the City annually social organizations, Sports, cultural, etc., working in the city .
This signing of the agreement was attended by the Mayor of the city, Il·lm. Sr. Jordi San Jose, Councillors Maria Rosa Martin, Carmen Carrión gannet Manel, as well as the Secretary General of the City.
By ADF, the firm conducted our president, el Sr Ramon Gisbert, who was accompanied by our collaborator, Isaac Amela.
It should be noted that the project presented this time in the city, has increased 73% the amount of money you will receive the ADF to carry out their projects.
We might think that the figure is very high, but the problem is that the ADF had been receiving very low annual grants from the Town Council and that this increase represents only 200 Received € more than in previous years.
This 2014 ADF will total 750 €, a low amount that it allows to launch programs as required eg:
  • Program to “Independent living for disabled adults living alone”.
  • Projects of cars adapted.
  • Project home help.
  • Project support and assistance of our partners.
  • Cultural and sports projects.
  • Programs to promote mental agility.

Ultimately, a set of ideas, projects and programs to members of the ADF who are becoming bigger and with many needs.

But in general, We can say that we have taken an important step and we believe that further work is needed to achieve great success for the people with severe physical disabilities in the city of Sant Feliu de Llobregat.
In this ceremony were the presidents of Asprodis, ACIC, One, within the field of disability, among many social organizations and sports.

ADF claims and gets a good accessibility to the pool of slaughter

During the inauguration of the first phase of the works of the summer pool discovery slaughter, were found several barriers that persist even in the pool remodeling done and hindered access normalized am disabled persons.

So, ADF made a request to the council informing lis trouble spots and it acted diligently and quickly, which we thank, to set problems.

In a few days everything was solved and now improved with respect to the use of space and accessibility for people with disabilities is evident.

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However we reaffirm the need for the Council on Disability and the area responsible for convening the council works, conjunction with other organizations related to people's disabilities, the appropriate meetings with a certain frequency in order to be up to date with the works that are carried out in Sant Feliu and that have to affect our collective.

With this we want to be able to collaborate in the studies and reach agreements before carrying out works of this type so that they end up being globally adapted to everyone's needs.

Last met 2014 ADF

Earlier this July, the ADF was the last meeting where we used to make a farewell lunch. We leave in images:

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Dinar fi season 2013-2014

In middle of last June the ADF held end of season luncheon 2013-2014 AIR Palace restaurant with Fern 15 Attendees.

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