3 December to the streets against cuts!!!

Taking it on Monday 3 Disability Day is being prepared various events, taking into account what is happening, express our outrage at the cuts.

From Dincer will be an event to 18:30 hores to them 19:30 hores to Pl. Sant Jaume de Barcelona, and will be a rally under the slogan "Això so that no, disappear if we cutretallades2

Among other activities, is llegiran two manifestos, un en defensa dels drets de les persones amb discapacitat intel·lectual i un altre que van elaborar les persones amb discapacitat que es van trobar a Cadis el passat mes d’octubre amb motiu de la Trobada d’Autogestors

Durant the day 3 December we invite you to perform other activities of a protest from your organizations, so we propose:

  • Decorating the walls with posters of your services "That if you do not, if we cut disappear ", accompanied by other signs with “NO” Consider that
  • To them 12 on the same day 3, a concentration on the outside of your center and proceed to read the manifesto attached to Cadiz presented and produced by people with disabilities.

Incorporate Color taronja (Color discapacitat) decorating services, to your vestuari, … (mocadors, t, globe…)

No ho permetem!!!

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