Concert de Nadal solidarity d'ASPASIM

I want to recommend this event, benefits which will be donated to the fund to recaudar Foundation ASPASIM, amb la que col·laborem de forma continuada i que fan una magnífica feina:

Initiative team of volunteers and ASPASIM Foundation grant "ntity" and attached the NH program gorgeous:

Nadal concert the posterior coctel-sopar Tindra lloc that l '11 December at 20.30 pm at the NH Constanza L'Hotel involving altruistic Joan Paul ESLAVA, YOKO SUZUKI, ELISA VÉLEZ, Carlos Daza, the ANNA CREIXELLS .

There are many projects that our foundation is to advance ( i adequació of reform 2 home new homes for people with severe mental disabilities, complementary support to disabled students in our special education center and the nursery and included in regular schools, hospital accompaniment and guards, Closing sport space, General manteniment dels 7 day care centers and 9 residences currently in operation and etc.. ) could only succeed with the support of civil society.

With your help!!!


Wish wholeheartedly want to accompany us there and if you think appropriate extend this information to people in your immediate environment.

THANK YOU for your support and a Merry Christmas!!!


Efren Carbonell the Codinach

President d'ASPASIM


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