Jove, enjoy your leisure!!!

We take this post for a summary of what services we offer from Oratge for young people with disabilities, and what we project!!!

And since our inception we have a target response, from the field of leisure, people considering both theiryoung preferences and initiatives such as chronological age, to promote, Like many other organizations are doing, that each of them can take the role, adult in this case,this socialment them pertoca. I és que encara ara costa desterrar el mite de la persona discapacitada intel·lectual com un “tion Etern”.

Així doncs, and based on this premise, we are carrying out the present for young people and adults is:

  • Support at home on weekends and holiday periods in 12 two residential youth services Foundation ASPASIM
  • Time groups on Saturday afternoon in the holidays, in the program “Per time you” Department of Quality of Life, Equality and Sports of the City Council. /
  • Career vacation rental for adults in small group Easter and the summer /
  • Summer camps for teens in the School of Special Education ASPASIM
  • Support for the inclusion leisure ordinary

Us Send us and we will inform!!!

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Beijing in the Palau de la Música!!!

This Saturday 23 February a group of boys and girls from one of the nurseries of ASPASIM attended one of the performances of the Palau de la Música: “Brittle songs”, they really enjoyed the.

This song and dance merged to,trencadis de cançons surprisingly, gave birth to three reasons represented in the decoration of plastic Palace: the muse of song, semivoltes the pillars and the winged horse of the second floor.

They could also hear poems of great authors like Catalan Salvat Papasseit, Joan Brossa, Josep Carner, Joan Maragall… that framed the work were paid more sense and became closer.

Also they use different elements that were used to bring the content trencadis 2the work the kids: material typical of popular games (mocadors, titelles, gums jump, Bells…), along with other traditional instruments and modern electronic and plastic material especially visual (atretzzo the singular Vistos, great scenery…)

And here we leave you in charge, our congratulations:

Companyia Factoria Mascaró, Dancers
The Somni Drac, voices and instruments
Joan Figueras and Sierra Chem, guided
Go to Figueres, music
Joan Serra and Serra Chem, direction and choreography

In resum, ressultar was a very enriching experience, fun and special, from which we participate through the program Zoom Culture.

Us ho recomanem!!!!



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Subsidized spaces open out to young people in the Garrotxa!!!

Tenint en compte com en vam gaudir la passada Setmana Santa des d’Oratge vàrem tornar a sol·licitar la subvenció IMSERSO per poder oferir un turisme de qualitat a adults amb diversitat funcional.

Finally we decided to go back on volcansworking the holiday of Easter, specifically 24 al 28 Marc, the Hotel La Perla, a Olot, of 3 Stars, where we were attended to very well (a kitchen to lick your fingers and attentive service, en unes instal·lacions accessibles per tothom) . Here you will find more information about the accommodation:

Here young people can enjoy one of the most beautiful of Catalonia, useful to know the volcanoes, riding, cycling and most excited out of ballaruca!!!

ballarucaIn order to provide good service to young, but support needs to be extended or generalized, We have a ratio of a companion (with training and experience) for every two people.

We travel with a shuttle adapted both to and back and during our stay.

Thanks to the subsidy the total cost of the output (all included) is 193,15 euros, (85 in respect of activities and added support)

For more information please call 645705189 be the per query mail oratge.associacio @

We hope to!!!!!

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The Fontana joves grup of the Newspaper!!

Dissabte passat, 19 Gener, The paper passed through the Youth Space Fontana to see the two groups of young Oratge manages the program “Per time you” Department of Quality of Life, equality and Sports of the City Council.

Attached is the link where you can find news, where five cents of which is the idea of ​​service: that users can enjoy their leisure activities from the community chosen by them according to their age and regardless of the level of support they need and the purchasing power.

This program also allows families in need enjoy a leisure time with self assurance that their children are enjoying and receive quality care.

Els 9 young people are sharing Saturday afternoons fortnightly organizing to decide what to do every two months, using the resources of both the Gràcia district of Barcelona as.

So far they have made so many trips like going to karaoke or Music Museum, at the disco, al Caixa Forum, at the movies, a la bolera…

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Ens'll help?

Hello to everyone!!! We hope you had a good start to the year 2013!!!

By Oratge together we eager to pursue small projects on and start new ones, trying not to lose sight of our main objective: do our bit to ensure that people with disabilities happy with the quality of life worth it, as citizens of the right, els hi pertoca. That is why we now want to ask for your collaboration:

Little by little and with the support of each of the people who collaborate, Families of implicades, d'ASPASIM… we were able to continue collaborating in the homes, based on field work project Breaking Barriers, give a little support to families with program canguratge, start two youth groups in collaboration with the City Council, The wind began recreation…

But to keep going ahead and we need to keep finding new sources of funding due to the precarious economic institutions is producing the defaults of public bodies, which by now have not faced any spending July of children in care homes in Catalonia. These delays lead to organizations such as ours at the edge econòmicc we are looking for alternative solutions, since it does not seem to raise the political level change priorities.

One of elles, and allows us to keep us over the next year 2013, It became part of the Cooperative Funding ethics Coop57, nonprofit organization dedicated to saving people gather to finance projects of social and solidarity economy from 1996 and hundreds of organizations belonging to different regions of Spain and respond to various institutions and organizations understood the issue of ethical banking. You miss the link

The fact of making us partners allows us to ask for the money back important advance (which is diu invoice Endos) without requirements as they ask other financial institutions, have properties that require (not tenim) o avals nominals. That is Demana des is an endorsement of Coop57 mancomunat, or is that a good number of people commit to endorse Oratge a small proportion of the total loan (between 500 i 2000 euros). Attached to the report more widely involved but we want to make clear that the guarantor can not contain more data than its signature sheet attached (In which payroll nor declaration d'hisenda…) and only agrees to take (part in the seva concret) in the hypothetical case that weather made a total failure (that really convinced that it is more unlikely since from Coop57 endarerriment facilitate the return of the loan by the bank without any problems if necessary)

For this reason we would ask you to look at the information that you attach to ask you if you want and you can guarantee us as an entity. (are fully aware that times are difficult for everyone, do you only get)

Have any questions or need more information talk!!!

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Vine has esplai!!!!

If between tens 3 i 12 years and really wanted to have fun, to make new friends and new activities, To subscribe to the relaxation of wind this year we started the association Oratge for children with special educational needs!!

Backed by a team of specialist instructors and we were eager once a month for a very long time, conducting a quarterly meeting with the children of the sub-group of beavers San Fernando Barcelona.

We outlets around town, Games, workshops, ginkames… and a weekend in May!!! enfrascats a pirate adventure tailored to the needs of each child support

For more information please contact us:

oratge.associacio @ or to bé for telefon 62190179 // 645705189



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Hem anat a Port Aventura!!!

Aprofitant holidays Nadal, en col·laboració amb la seva Fundació, we went to the amusement park that young people were in demand long!!!

Amid the decor typical of the year we could climb the mountain coaster adrenaline download Shambala, down the rapids and enjoy the show!!! Vam dinar to the Cantina, gaudint dels Mariachis!!!

To make good hroes the sun the day before we stayed at the Hotel Cambrils Tryport, where we attended very well and we prepare for a busy day with bacon and eggs, pa amb tomaquet, juices….

We returned tired but… ens not mind repeating!!!



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Nadal Dies per Horta!!!

Like last July from Oratge, in partnership with the City Council, are accompanied 12 youth and adults in their free time so they can enjoy a vacation, while favoring the reconciliation of work and family for their families.

Així doncs, Time for you through the program, Department of Quality of Life, Equality and Sport, this group of people with disabilities can horta mapcount on the support of 4 instructors to foster maximum self ensuring health and safety framework. From a previous meeting the same group decided the following activities

  • Sink and basin opening and walk around the neighborhood of Horta
  • Sortida has the Fonts de Montjuic, relaitza where the spectacle of Christmas
  • Workshop at Music Museum
  • Reciclofònica Concert Orchestra at the Museum of the History of Catalonia
  • Ballaruca the bar-pub “Samba

I to Gaudir of nadal!!!



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Comencen holidays… Nadal to them Llars!!!

Christmas is coming and with it the well-deserved vacation of children, youth and adults in the households ASPASIM. From Oratge accompany each try to enjoy to the max, to escape from routine school or nadalwork and so we can celebrate the day as special atmosphere that corresponds.

For this reason some alternates programmed that they had asked several times a day by day everyday what, like any home, everyone can have their say and can decide together where to invest their leisure time, avoiding programming closer to a house:

So the greatest go to Port Aventura, to see an old friend in the land of Vic, to circ, to teatre… and children will enjoy the show for Children, storytelling sessions, rebran one to sa home Majestat… Estonians on Moltes tindran però decide whether to play, mirar una pel·lícula, anar to buy or simplement vaguejar one Estonian, it is also a fantastic time to time!!! sense oblidar els opípars menjars nadalencs, the cotillion of 31, Reis's Cavalcada…

I…. bones solid!!!

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Uns pastorets molt inclusius!!!

This year two young nursery ASPASIM part of the repertoire of actors Pastorets Vallvidrera!!!

This emblematic work began to represent Vallvidrera ago 11 years and has managed to gain a place in the repertoire pastoretsChristmas activities, incorporating us personatges, effects, Scenes… enriquint has anat-la.

Able to participate as both actors being a fantastic experience for these two guys, Despite the effort involved, and feel very proud of the results obtained in these past days that has become the grand opening!!!

Here in the web http teniu://

We recommend this magnificent spectacle, on tothom hi te cabuda…. if you find entries, it is not easy!!!!

I Bon Nadal!!!!!!!


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