Una mena de “guantanamo” per a persones amb discapacitat a Barcelona?

Des de l’Associació Oratge ens adherim a la denúncia de la LADD – Associació en defensa dels drets de les persones amb discapacitat intel.lectual – davant la inauguració de la Residència Mas Sauró- capacitat 60 places per a persones amb discapacitat Intel.lectual a Collserola demà 21 de juliol a les 19h . Es un fet insòlit a Catalunya que vulnera l’article 19 de la Convenció de drets de les persones amb discapacitat de Nacions Unides del 2006.

Molts veïns de la zona ho coneixen com “Guantánamo……”

Tan de bo en breu s’arribi a reconvertir en un equipament públic d’interès pels veïns de la Muntanya o en un Institut de Secundària que tanta falta faria. I les persones amb discapacitat es poguessin traslladar a viure on viu tothom que és a la comunitat en unes proporcions raonables i amb veïns sense discapacitat. A l’estat de BC de Canadà l’any 1996 es van tancar i prohibir per llei aquesta mena de centres. 20 anys després a Catalunya el President de la Generalitat n’inaugura un……………….

Per a més informació consultar la pàgina de la LAAD http://www.ladd.cat/

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Programa “Temps per Tu” Horta a les festes del Carmel

Aqui us deixem un petit reportatge del programa “Per time you” que hem dut a terme amb un grup de joves amb discapacitat al barri d’Horta.
Aquest es el quart any que es duu a terme i es un plaer molt gran per a nosaltres, to collaborate in making possible a truly inclusive leisure!


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Començem, amb moltes ganes, a preparar, per tercer any, el projecte TEMPS PER TU de Horta per les vacançes d’estiu 2015.

Per a joves i adults amb diversitat funcional.

Les dates seran de l’1 al 17 juliol (dilluns a divendres) of 17 a 20,30h.

With collaboration and subsidized by l’ Barcelona City Council and the District of Horta-Guinardó.

If you are interested or interested, contact us!!diptic_joves_adults_horta_estiu_web

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Començem preparing, per tercer any, project TIME FOR YOU Horta for Christmas holidays.

With collaboration and subsidized by l’ Barcelona City Council and the District of Horta-Guinardó.

If you are interested or interested, contact us!!diptic_joves_adults_horta_nadal 14-15

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Comença el projecte TEMPS PER TU

Temps_x_tu_discapacitats youth and adults Grace website

Un any més, Start with the project “Per time you”, a space for young people and adults with disabilities can take advantage of free time and leisure activities d`oci, chosen by them / themselves collectively.

In addition, is a project that has as objective the reconciliation of personnel famiílies caregivers of dependent persons.

Still left to do PLACAS, l`inscripció and is free. If you are interested, do not hesitate to contact!!

In leisure time!!

Project supported by the’ City of Barcelona

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Weekend Spa!!!!

The course has started, and energy to do a group of children Weather, one of the nurseries of ASPASIM, enjoyed a weekend of fantastic late summer: output of the modern game and Thermal Leisure Centre Magma, night by the neighboring town of Santa Coloma!!!

So ten children and adolescents and their companions volunteers and employees spent an afternoon in a fantastic space between magma jets of water, different temperatures, odorants… And it is a space with a spa area fully adapted to children.

Contàvem more adapted to changing, ramps…

Once they relaxed dinner at the Leisure Centre where we received a great deal.

After an overnight stay and breakfast we walk through the village back home after lunch, with charged batteries and a lot of new fond memories.

All this was possible thanks to the interest in Anna that we could help your business: Inditex, that we provide not only financial support but also that it had facilitated that she could accompany us and lend a hand during the activity during working hours

For all that we want to give them the thanks on behalf of all the children of the flea!!!


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This summer freckles… colonies!!!

After a year full of activities, Once located in a new neighborhood and had begun to walk with regular relaxation Xanga, Pirates of the relaxation in the wind landed in the town of the islets, to the house of cocasa colonies the halllònies “The Chamber”

Will accompany the team that has been sailing with them this month, seeing as they get older every day and enjoy it together.

If you want to meet him and spend a few days full of adventures that we think places obertes:

Dates: of 26 al 29 de juny (exit and return to Barcelona)

Price: 250 euros

Activities and adapted ratio 1-2

Ask for more information without obligation

This respite program has the support of the Municipal Institute of City Council Disability


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School families!!!

Gradually from Oratge we do our bit in supporting families with disabled members, as we try to support the program canguratge and leisure.

For this reason we first launched a series of lectures funded by the federation Dincer where families can receive training regarding issues of interest around various topics related.

From weather also provide babysitting if necessary to attend them.

Book in advance!!!

Specifically offer 3 talks:

“Communication in families with children with special needs”, the psychologist EDUARDO BRIGNANI the 5 June 19h to 21h

“Affectivity and sexuality PEOPLE DID” the psychologist and sexologist GEMMA DEULOFEU on 19 June 19h to 21h

Behavioral disorders” the psychologist Laura Cardona, that will last the summer.

Hi esperem Us!!!

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Leisure… a great time, a great tool!!

In this post I want to make five cents for small great moments that we are enjoying Oratge This course where leisure, play and make us living bridge to promote awareness of the difference.

This Saturday two groups of youths sharing afternoon, Guitars, smiles and anecdotes spaces Vallvidriera association ASPASIM. The boys and girls Oratge, each with their communication sitema, were the pioneers of the San Fernando falls in your workplace, from the garden to work with screws and markers, so know first hand.

But beyond this we see also loved meeting the tricks of the province IV groupings Boy Scouts Guides of Sant Jordi in Barcelona, with which, due to a downpour that soak impressive Citadel, have pending activity with small household. However we maintain xerradeta with Nuria, one of the workers of weather with which they could comment, talk and answer questions about what we do, pert and what we do.

And finally this Thursday will CEIP Tabor to play around with the kids from elementary to secondary, while enjoying together, reflect the difference.

I then caminant!!

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Giving voice to people with disabilities!!!

From weather try rethink everyday if we sense, if you really walk into places where the statutes… In speaking to assemblies, meetings, intentem ask, trying to decide people with disabilities participating entity. But we do not always, not always think, always on hand sabem stop it “misunderstood professionalism” Women-ls there and vote.

Therefore I spent this link where Isabel Guirao reminder, and we are to believe.

We hope you enjoy!



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