All to the house!!!!

We open the registrations for summer camps for school ASPASIM!!!

There eligible children and youth with special educational needs of the city (it is not necessary to be a student), enrolling in a week from 25 of juny to 27 of july of 9 a 15h

With the support of instructors with extensive experience and training, take advantage of different areas of the house is situated on Vallvidrera school, that accounting pistes amb, Shoulders various, nursery… sense Barreres arquitèctoniques!!!

Edat by grups d', enjoy the summer alternating butt workshops, Games, music… with outlets in the city, pool activities…

Price:170 euros per setmana (with the possibility to include travel to the house and back home)

Did I perdràs????????

See no obligation to 645705189/622190179 enviant the mail to us un oratge.associacio @



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Start by pre-labor camps!!!

Of 24 April d' 15 of maig joves of 16 a 30 years-you can pre-labor camps organized by entities, in Catalonia and Spain over the, knowing and new realities, sites, gent… while collaborating on some task that interests you (care from the woods to discover Roman remains!!!)

We give you the link if you want to take a look = 6e3530cc7cc3b010VgnVCM1000000b0c1e0aRCRD&vgnextchannel=6e3530cc7cc3b010VgnVCM1000000b0c1e0aRCRD&vgnextfmt = default

Some of Oratge, in collaboration with ASPASIM, to take thirdny consecutive field of social work, Breaking Barriers, on 24 young people can enjoy the city from the hill Vallvidrera, knowing at the same time new realities and collaborating in diverse tasks

The summer's!!!

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We do so by Olot!!!

Although the climate of the last few days of Easter, thanks to the collaboration of IMSERSO and DINCAT, a group of young people enjoyed a vacation in Olot!!!

Staying at the Hotel La Perla, where we attended divinely and where the food was delicious, we used to know a little magical forest of beech de'n Jordan, to test the best yoghurt in the Cooperative Farm (enduent-nso some cow petó!!) , and to take care of horses and make them a ride!!


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Program to support families: Time per tots, time per tot!!!!

Hola a tothom!!!

Returns the grant from the family support program in collaboration with DINCAT, although changes!!

To promote a balance between work and family life and provide time and space to each member of the family, try to continue a service and support quality affordable.

We have two types:

1- Accompanying the person from your home (suport i canguratge)

2- Breaks, weekend: Children, young people or adults will be able to take part in scheduled weekend outings in outdoor facilities (Albergs, hotels, cases of Colònies…). The 20-21 maig anirem of a Can Vendrell!!!

For any queries, consultation… not hesitate to contact us!!!


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Concert in the auditorium!!!

Some children in the home were the Flea this Saturday concert “Music Tree” in the Auditori de Barcelona.

We enjoy a fantastic time from the interpretation of traditional Catalan music related to the cycle of the tree using different instruments characteristic of traditional music (the acordió, the viola de roda, the flabiol, the tamborí…)

    Jordi Fabregas, Directorate musical, direcció d'escena
    Eloi Escudé,  Voice, teclats, acordió cromàtic, acordió diatonic, Silver cuina, Ampolla d'Anis,  Voice, battery, box, djembe, box cartró, Silver cuina, gra,  Voice, guitar, gralla, bec Flute, ampulla of anis, tapa d'olla, Culleres,  Voice, violet, violin, Tarot, ximbomba, tapa d'olla,  Voice, taragot, viola bow, i flabiol tamborí, sit, bec Flute (the soprano contralt), paella, triangle 
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Concert a l'Pepet and Marieta Auditors!!

This Saturday 17 March we went to the concert and Marieta Pepet in the Auditorium of Barcelona!!!

L'Allà vam enjoy Espectacle “Xaleu, galifardeus!!!”, where theater and music we did have a very good time.

And last night, festeta PEL Raval!!! / s / programacio / fitxa.aspx?idconcert=313&cicle_id = 15

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Costume party at the Arena Classic!!!

El passat 25 February a group of young men spend an afternoon well sugarcane in the Arlogo de l'arena classicena classic, where the association organized Sarau it a costume party!!

sarau associationFrom ballar, laughed and enjoyed Butt Carnival Barcelona, know other young people of the city!!!

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New outlet for young people in the Easter!!!

Hem modificat the Sortida, a mica-acurtant the. Així doncs, el diumenge 1 d in April 9 joves i 4 companions leave to Olot to fully enjoy 5 mig bell dies at the Garrotxa.

Thanks to the grant of Imserso the trip has a very affordable cost, including all expenses (amb complerta hotel pension benefit, monitors, transport, activities…)

Weather no obligation to request information by sending an email to oratge.associacio @ or call 645705189/618916893

Gaudeix of the holidays!!!



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2n Work cafè d’Oratge!!!!

Curs Aquest, own initiative of workers and volunteers, Weather we started to make quarterly meetings to exchange knowledge in order to improve our intervention with people we work withCup of coffee with milk

Així doncs, a way of making coffee and informal, we find the next 29 February to talk a little bit of pharmacology, without forgetting that we are not doctors. Hopefully this will help us better understand why they used the kids we work with, what is the best way to manage the, be taken into account…

At, bona feina!!!

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Check for youth Easter!!!

This Easter 9 young people with disabilities can enjoy 7 holiday at the Hotel La Perla in Olot, taking advantage of its location in the heart of Garrotxa:Photograph of the Jordà beech forest

Enmig Passejaran the Fageda, sortiran de party, learn how to make yoghurt, com will feel a volcano erupts…

Registration open!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*More information oratge.associacio @ or call 645705189/618916893

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