Category Archives: Projects

Anem a veure Grease!!!

This Friday a group of jvoes weather will see Grease at the theater auditorium in Sant Cugat!!! We can enjoy this popular musical, which coincides with the 40th anniversary of the Broadway premiere of the musical, a new set of large format … Continue reading

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This Saturday, of a l'Arena classic marxa!!

This weekend the meetings begin again Sarau the classic discoArena, and seen the success of last year, a group of young households take advantage of the evening to celebrate and move their bodies!! Highly recommended!!!

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Comença the Esplai the vent!!!

And proper Dissabte 29 in september of the Oratge, in close collaboration with the AMPA of Families of inclusive of ASPASIM we will initiate a new project: a recreation for children with special educational necesistats 3 a 12 years!! Sense stop band … Continue reading

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Start a group of young adults: Inscriu-yourself!!

For the first time we start a project that has long wanted to start: a group of entertainment for adults with disabilities. In Efecte, en col·laboració amb el Departament de Qualitat de Vida, Equality and Sport and … Continue reading

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Els home, holiday!!!

Aquest estiu, each with any, boys and girls from nursery ASPASIM have gone on holiday, than ever tocava!!! Once the volunteers at the labor camp, the great moments we shared, We have gone … Continue reading

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It has already completed field work!!!

Fins the 15 of agost 24 Madrid joves, Cantabria, Valencia, Country Basc… han col·laborat amb Oratge i ASPASIM aportant tot el seu esforç i la seva il·lusió!!! A més a més joves de les llars d’ASPASIM han conviscut i col·laboratContinue reading

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The cool evenings per Horta!!!

Next Monday, the fins and Divendres 13 of juliol, a group of adults of the district of Horta-Guinardó, supported by 4 persones d'Oratge, take hours of intensive workshops to enjoy summer evenings!!! The program marc “Time … Continue reading

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The Palau de la Música!!! Quin concert!!

This last Sunday the smallest Weather enjoyed the show “The Phantom of Palau”, to the FACTORIA càrrec MASCARÓ, the Palau de la Música in Barcelona. They enjoy it very much because it is a great concert … Continue reading

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The pont: Muntanya i sarau!!!

This bridge of young households have enjoyed a few days of bridge outputs alternating with relaxation and fun and relaxation. Saturday went back to the disco Arena Classic, o to set entorn … Continue reading

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Start by pre-labor camps!!!

Of 24 April d' 15 of maig joves of 16 a 30 years-you can pre-labor camps organized by entities, in Catalonia and Spain over the, knowing and new realities, sites, gent… alhora que col·laborantContinue reading

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