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Entities distinguished this year with the Cross of St. George

Creu de Sant Jordi 2012 managing bodies of two points Òmnia

The Marianao Foundation, managed by one of Òmnia of Center Boi the the Trinijove Private Foundation, managing body of the Punt Omnia named in the neighborhood of Old Trinity Barcelona.


Consulteu history of these awards

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Points Omnia Vandellòs and Hospitalet de l'Infant

The latest issue of Municipal speaks Points Omnia

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122 points all over Catalonia

L'any 2011 have benefited most from the program Omnia 33.000 and people have made 4.013 activities and training courses, Community inserció us the social


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28 October d' 2011 – Conference to Promote Social Internet

Year, This date has been found that more than 200 people who are part of the Network Number and ICT and the Omnia Network who shared experiences and training the employability and socio-labor insertion of the weakest and most vulnerable groups. The increase opportunities, training and cohesion of communities located in geographical areas most vulnerable before the economic crisis, programs that collaborate with programs: cross-cutting strategies through which the ICT point facing the economic crisis: collaborations with programs of the Department of Education or with the Employment Service of Catalonia, innovadores estratègies the futur: Vivers d'company, actions accompanying the newly unemployed and looking for new realities in the workplace…

All the local labor, daily personal and shared network become a more fair, equal and shared with all.

The informació of the Day to:


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Omnia renewed the pseudo official website

The Department of Social Welfare and Family, wants closer citizenship program, already has more than 10 years of experience as a project of integration and socialization through ICT.

Visiteu al-lo fent click logo


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Formed from:
In collaboration with: - Organizations and volunteers for a better world