A music… NEAR culture!!

Accessible activities, activities adapted, special activities, inclusive activities… them donem mil voltes. And surely it's OK to give, of voltes, per the mistake us for the camí, least, learn from mistakes. But it is up and arromengar, simply iron, participate and go out.

bring culture closer 2And this is what makes the program Zoom culture, that puts everyone CULTURE, well capitalized. It is not special or adapted works, of catagori “Easy”, but access to large theaters of Catalonia, the renowned museums of the city, passant de Mozart in Chenoa of the Contemporani to gòtic, for everyone. At very affordable prices and getting the ball to make adjustments, a friendly customer advice and first class.

With this support the youth group of Grace couldauditorium enjoy a great concert thousand cultures Palau de la Música, the smallest home to ASPASIM listened and heard musical works of Bach in the Auditorium of Barcelona, shocking in itself, a group of teenagers at the rate of Moura and Bustamante Chenoa the house and the children were able to play instruments such as the harp and special cello at the Music Museum.

Així doncs, Thank you to everyone who made this possible offer!!!

We all know something. All we ignore something. Hence, learn Foreverand

Paulo Freire


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