Ja sound Coop57!!!


Ja fa dos years, According to assembly, Oratge decided to start working with ethical banking, so most of our financial transactions we make banca eticafrom Triodos Bank. http://www.triodos.es/es/particulares/

This decision responded to try to make sense and be consistent with our ideas and approach: we are not a charity organization that wants to believe that they need a change towards a more just society, where everyone, including people with disabilities, play a law.

Ethical banking has allowed us to use the current system and proprietary tools that facilitate the daily (government run online, performing transfers, Debit Cards) while minimum guarantees of transparency with the money of the organization, ensuring that:

  • Reinvested in projects focused on improving social, environmental, cultural… our world
  • There will be intended for those who are opposed, as arms sales, Prostitution…
  • There used to speculative level

After making this decision and happy with the results produced by the serious defaults coopGeneralitat of Catalonia in July forced us to seek funding on credit, Triodos Bank feels that we respond. However aggravation of the whole problem (Government still does not pay the debt) forced us to find new ways. Following this research we know Coop57, cooperative funding ethic we share much of our philosophy http://www.coop57.coop/

Així doncs, from various discussions at the last meeting it was decided to become part of the cooperative to:

  • Encourage networking among organizations, increasingly necessary.
  • Invest our resources in different locations
  • Encourage the dissemination of ethical banking
  • We have a funding resource that allows us to keep our work and open new projects
  • Reforçar la pertinença a l’entitat per part dels socis d’oratge interessats en col·laborar convertint-se en avaladors (endorsement mancomunat)

Gràcies a tots els que hi heu col·laborat!!


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