Comencen holidays… Nadal to them Llars!!!

Christmas is coming and with it the well-deserved vacation of children, youth and adults in the households ASPASIM. From Oratge accompany each try to enjoy to the max, to escape from routine school or nadalwork and so we can celebrate the day as special atmosphere that corresponds.

For this reason some alternates programmed that they had asked several times a day by day everyday what, like any home, everyone can have their say and can decide together where to invest their leisure time, avoiding programming closer to a house:

So the greatest go to Port Aventura, to see an old friend in the land of Vic, to circ, to teatre… and children will enjoy the show for Children, storytelling sessions, rebran one to sa home Majestat… Estonians on Moltes tindran però decide whether to play, mirar una pel·lícula, anar to buy or simplement vaguejar one Estonian, it is also a fantastic time to time!!! sense oblidar els opípars menjars nadalencs, the cotillion of 31, Reis's Cavalcada…

I…. bones solid!!!

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