Tag Archive: RGCRE

Workshop training for responsible consumer group recognized as experts RGCRE

The dissabte 5 of November 2011 took place in Manresa last training session this year 2011 per a group responsible foc (RGCRE). The formation will consist of: Festive fire in Catalonia. The importance of … Continuing llegint

Dins of publicat Training | Com has Etiquetat , | Comentaris tancats a Jornada formativa per a responsables de grup de consumidors reconeguts com experts RGCRE

Training groups of fire

Per such that it continued to apply the Reial Decret Disposa 563/2010, of 7 of maig, a festive event with use of fireworks, group must fire to perform the activity has an accredited training. The formation includes … Continuing llegint

Dins of publicat Training | Com has Etiquetat , , | Comentaris tancats a Formació dels grups de foc